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"Bam, who said it's easy? It's not. Relationships will forever be a wide ocean to sail. You get what I mean?"
I told him. He came up to me here at the bench crying because he and his partner fought that almost led them to break up.

"But it's sometimes so hard to understand."
His partner came by and we were surprised.

"Hi, Chris. What's up?"
I greeted him.

"Hi, Lis!"
He said and sat beside Bam.

Then my Jennie came too with her hair swayed by the air and she is so beautiful. She is smiling to me and I also couldn't control my joy upon seeing her. She sat beside me and kissed me in front of the two.

"We saw each other an hour ago but why am I missing you so much?"
She said and hugged me tight. She never let go of our fingers intertwined.

"I love you."
I said. I know it's so random but I couldn't resist my feelings towards her. She keeps smiling but got bothered looking at the two.

"Hey. Are you two okay?"
She asked them.

"Bam. He almost left me, Jen."
Chris said worriedly.

"Oh. Why? Do you guys have a problem? Lisa and I are willing to listen."
Jennie said. Jisoo and Rosé arrived too and greeted all of us. Nancy sat with us and brought food for us and we started taking a bite.

"Look. Chris, we always fight. We always shout at each other. We could not even control our temper. Do you think we can still save this relationship?"
Bam told his partner.
Chris' tears are forming and he could not speak a word.

"What should we do?"
He asked Bam and he just shook his head.

We all became quiet. Then my girlfriend suddenly spoke up.

"You know why Lisa and I are going strong for two years now?"
Jennie asked them and we all focused on her.
Oh god. I can't believe Jennie and I are together for two years already and our love is going deeper.

"It's because of Lisa."
She said and looked at me.

"You all know that I was not an easy person to be with before, right? Like I get jealous easily. Because why not? Look at Lisa. Who wouldn't fall for her.
But everyday, she never gets tired of making me feel the love she has for me. Her efforts that I appreciate the most are priceless. And she taught me how to become a better version of myself even if she doesn't know that she's already bringing out the best in me. But of course, we're in a relationship and we really can't get away of fights and arguments sometimes. But you know what Lisa does? She knows how to compromise. Until I learned from her how to do it too. We compromise. We never let the day end without talking about the problem and then we meet halfway and come up with a solution. Right, babe?"
Wow! I am surprised of what my girlfriend is saying right now. My heart melts. I nodded and she leaned her shoulder on my chest while I snake my arm on her waist and wrapped her.

"What I am saying is, we are working hard for our relationship. Not only because we love each other but because we want to be together everyday. We want to fix every crease in our relationship. It's a decision to make and a choice to embrace. We listen to each other. We also let each other express whenever we're mad or we have issues. I don't think of myself alone. I also think of her, of us. That's what Lisa taught me.
To compromise. Choose to stay. We avoid things that would hurt each other. And most of all, we respect each other's differences. But above all is my love for her, her love for me and our desire and goal to be together until our last breath."
My girlfriend is so expressive right now and I am impressed. I am so proud of us. I am blushing and the group started to tease me.

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