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"Aunt? Uncle? I am sorry if I didn't ask you anymore. Things went so fast and I think Jennie and I can no longer wait. I hope you will accept us. I promise, I will love your daughter as much as you love her. And of course, I will do my best to protect and take care of your Jennie.
We— we are officially together."
I finally told Jennie's parents about us. I don't know where I got the guts to tell them. All I know is, they should know.

"Oh! Jennie and Lisa, congratulations!"
Mrs. Kim hugged us both and they can't stop smiling.

"Nice one, Lisa! I have been waiting for this. Finally, you asked her!"
Mr. Kim couldn't control his happiness.

"Dad, I was the one who asked her to be mine last night."
Jennie said and her Dad laughed.

"That's my Jennie! Okay. Okay."
Mr. Kim told his daughter and hugged her.

"But again, let me remind you, especially you, Lisa. We've talked about this so many times already. No sex until Jennie becomes a Doctor and you a lawyer. Are we clear?"
Mr. Kim reminded us again.

"Yes, Uncle. I promise."
I said.

"But Dad, we're just humans and—. Oh god. Look at Lisa. Look how hot she is and we're in love. I don't think we can have this control all the time."
Jennie tries.

"We have this thing called reservations, dear."
Aunt told Jennie.
Jennie shook her head and sighed.

Jennie still wanted to fight back.

"Jennie, Lisa, just listen to us. You will thank us when the day comes. And promise us one thing.
Never do anything that will risk your relationship. You two have this chemistry and vibe that you can be together forever if you'll just be faithful and loyal to each other."
Uncle gave as an advice.

I nodded and Jennie is still frowning.

"Baby, let's trust us. Just believe that this will work without you know..."
I told her while caressing her hand.

"I love you."
She told me in front of her parents.

"I love you. I will show you and make you feel how much I love you everyday."
I said. Her parents are giggling.

I brought Jennie to our house and informed my parents about us too. We also had a video call with Hanbin and I introduced my girlfriend to her.
My family is so happy knowing that Jennie and I are together.
My parents made me promise not to hurt Jennie. Of course, I won't.

Our friends are also happy knowing that Jennie and I took the courage to be together.

I love her as a friend and I am also aware that she still has feelings for me. I don't want to lose her. So, I took the chance to talk to her. But of course, I informed Jennie of my plan to talk to Nancy about us.
I am so lucky that Nancy always knows how to understand. She said she has never and never will ask something in return and she supports Jennie and I.

She gets jealous easily. She knows how shy I am when some girls flirt with me and I always assure her that never in our lives I will cheat on her.
I am showing her everyday that she is the only woman I will love until we take our last breath.

Jealous Jennie is scary. She won't talk to me for long hours. But what's good about her is she is vocal with what she feels. It helps me a lot on how to handle her.
We never let a day pass without resolving things until we get back to normal.
I don't want her to be mad at me.
Sometimes, I just can't believe that this girl is in love with me. She's really in love because she becomes so frank with other woman. There was a time, I was at the cafeteria and a girl from another department approached me with a letter on her hand that she's about to give me.
But Jennie was so fast to take it as she approached me.
She read the letter in front of that woman and told her that she is sorry for I am taken by her already.

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