Coal: He said Divine.

At this point the raid boss sweated with embarrassment. They completely ignored it to argue about a silly stat. It gave them a reason to pay attention. It leaps from the ground in a massive force. It then brings down a claw on Ishi. Ishi's body glitches and disappears. Her HP did not change

Eric: ISHI!!!!!

Shawn: Damn it! We were distracted!

Coal: SUMMON! Tōdaiki!

A massive lantern appears and it's flame has a malevolent grin and it spreads it's arm like flames out and flies toward the Raid boss. Shawn opens his eyes which are now pure black. His forehead start bleeding when the thorny crown tightens. Shawn starts growing demon like features, a devil horn, massive black bat wings, and needle like teeth. Ruby suddenly transforms into a 15 foot tall armored Goliath knight.

Diaboromon raid boss: Heh.... All it took to see you all over the edge was the deletion of your friend.

DDDeekin: D-deletion?!

Eric dropping to his knees: Permanent ....death?......

Niko: Oh I had it!

Niko takes out something from her bag of holding and holds out a cube which starts shifting and morphing around her becoming a mecha suit.

The flames hit the Raid boss and leaves behind decent wounds

Diaboromon 100000/6697hp

Diaboromon: I see. Artifacts. I will take great joy in collecting a few more!

Diaboromon lunges again and this time goes after Coal. Shawn frowns and simply says Fall. This causes it to lose it's momentum and tumble and roll. It stops itself and extends an arm piercing through the head of Coal's summon terminating it.

Coal: Sesshō seki!

A large stone appears from the ground and it immediately jumps back.

Coal: Die....die..... You.... don't deserve any mercy!

Diaboromon: You are a fool. I know how your artifact works already. You shout out the name of a yokai and you summon it. You either can't reuse the same one twice or it has a cost to doing so. I know all of them. I know it's instant death to go near it. Was that your plan?

Coal: ...


Diaboromon is hit with a blast so hard that it sends it right toward Ruby who swung her massive axe like a bat and sends it toward the stone. Shawn starts coughing up blood.

Diaboromon 100000/1202hp

Diaboromon: Hmpf... Nice team work. Won't work again.

It stretches out it's arms to impossible lengths. It stops itself by grabbing on the the edges of the server. It then tears a massive hole in the server where they are at and it reconstructs the area around it to be a large cube arena. It then holds out a clock. In the clock is the spirit of Ishi. It laughs and suddenly it copied and pasted itself making another duplicate.

Shawn: Disloc-GHA

The first Diaboromon fired a small focused beam of energy that punched clean through Shawn's throat.

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