Final Chapter

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Impatiently checking the small pocket watch his feet pace around slowly until placing it neatly in his pocket at the creak of the door.

"I'm glad you could join us again, and you brought friends," a devilish smile plays at the ends of his mouth, "why didn't you introduce me to them earlier?" He says in a mocking tone to Marcella.

"I told you to stay away" A cold and stoic tone emits from her throat almost out of boredom gaining looks of regret and guilt which are unseen by Marcy who is forced in place.

"Rather loyal I see; did you want to finish your fun?" Elias stares innocently at Hazel who cowers behind Tommy's taller frame.

"I-Is that F-Fred?" Dylan's shaky voice cracks in horror at the hole in the centre of his head.

"Fred? What a boring name for someone who lived such a boring and pointless life, how poetic"

Clouded by fear but overcome with wrath, Dylan charges braindead towards Elias with the small dagger clutched loosely in his hands. Turning away Marcella feels the warm liquid melt against her skin taking the small window of chance Dylan provided unknowingly.

'I'm sorry, I couldn't save you'

Using the heel of her shoes she dug hard against the open cut of the man holding her down as she swivelled around in his grip, preparing to headbutt him with a loud thud. He falls dense with the ground as Marcy pries his fingers from the gun and shoots naturally through the heart of the man responsible for Dylan's death. With her other hand she takes out her own concealed gun and shoots blindly between the man's eyes who was lying unconscious beside her feet.

"Cold, heartless, and a killer just like your mother"

Marcy aims both weapons to Elias' smug face who raises both hands up in apparent surrender stepping slowly away from Esther's body at the slight twitch of Marcella's head. A river of blood trickles steadily down her head, this time of her own red as it follows the rough texture of her skin.

"What exactly do you want?"

"I want to see you rot in Hell for what your family has done to mine and fulfil my Father's plans by using your sample of Clover to create the ultimate, infinite, and most powerful object on the Earth" Elias spoke with vigour and will.

A short snicker leaves Marcy's mouth as she drops the two guns, replacing them with a sword discarded on the floor. Standing low she charges towards Elias at full speed with only one objective in mind.

Seeking her movements in advance he gracefully avoids her attack and picks up the two abandoned guns, flattening Chris' hand beneath his foot with a cocky smile. He laughs almost hysterically at Marcy's careless actions bringing the gun pressed against Chris' head.

"Lover?" He questions comically as he motions towards the bracelet still wrapped around his wrist, "Should I feel hurt that you moved on so quickly after our failed wedding?"

Marcy remained silent and still in her place infuriating Elias once more as he impatiently cocks the gun back and aimed another on the large target sprawled on her back. Tommy flinched forward only to be held back, not by Hazel's weak grip but by the gold chain hanging on the end of Marcy's fingertips.

"Fred confessed his betrayal in front of me before his death," her voice soft with a hint of sadness ignoring Elias attempt to anger her, "however, my slight suspicious lurked in my mind like how he knew of Elias' ability to freeze time and questioned me about them before I had even mentioned his name and-"

"And the sample from the start of the study was his idea" Hazel gasps with realisation as her eyes grow weak and deceived.

"T-That can't be true" Tommy hesitantly challenges.

"I am glad we are up to the same page, but it seems like you are losing this battle so hand me over Clover before I shoot 'Lover Boys' head open"

"You always loved checking the time," a light giggle escapes making Elias' knuckles turn white, "despite your patient waiting through the months since we met you held that watch of yours tightly by your side"

Turning swiftly on her heels Marcy outstretches her right arm as her left clutches over her heart. In a blur of motion and slight panic and joy Elias pulls the trigger as the bullet cleanly comes out the other side of her heart.

His smile soon fades as her right hand holds nothing but her two fingers and thumb pointed out carelessly mimicking the hold and shape of a gun. His eyes widen in distraught as he pats down his empty suit pockets looking frantically before Marcy's arm drapes limp by her side revealing the shatters of green glass melting into her open wound.

As soon as the bullet reached her heart Marcella blacked out as her memories passed through her mind like a broken movie reel. She felt weightless in the dreamy haze as death neared, calling her name over and over and over again.

Then it all stopped, and a subtle neat knock concluded her moment of peace with a gust of warmth invited her young soul inside. The time to repay her borrowed time drew closer as a honey note rings in her head.

"Dear, bring it inside before the wolves come!"

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