Chapter 17

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Much to her demise, Marcella is trapped inside the four walls of the studio again, spinning around on her chair whilst sketching random lines on a scrap piece of paper.

Since that day she has not heard or seen the mysterious woman, unsurprising to the fact that Fred always has an eye out for her. Not to mention the lurking gaze that she feels when her back is turned and the quick disappearance of it from her attention.

"Chipmunk," Dylan calls casually, "do you know how to play anything?"

Throughout this whole time Marcella has remained a secret and avoided conversation about her life as everyone tries to introduce her to many new things. Chris has been particularly eager to know more about Marcella, but she always finds a way to redirect the conversation; through much practice from talking to nosey nobles.

"I can play the piano" Marcella says confidently as her eyes roam to the most recognisable object.

"Really?! Could you play something for us?" Chris encourages enthusiastically.

"Would you answer something for me in return?" Marcella attempts to negotiate slyly.


Rising from her seat, gently placing the pen and paper on the empty seat, she walks over to the grand piano. Her posture is tall and straight just as her mother taught her as her fingers hover over the black and white keys, threatening to push them.

Marcella begins to play a classic song known by everyone in Elysianair, irrespective of their status and musical knowledge. A so called unofficial national anthem of the kingdom. Marcella plays it with a small smile on her face as she recalls the memories of children singing this tune through the villages and the countless times she would overhear guards humming it to themselves during a long shift. Even Hunter would occasionally sing this melody to himself when he thought no one was around.

Finishing the last solemn note, she leaves everyone wide eyed at her surprising talent and composure. Marcella bows her head lightly before retreating back to her chair as if nothing had occurred. Playing the piano was not a momentous activity for Marcella, despite the delighted feeling of watching people enjoy the music, it was a skill required for her to learn with one main purpose in her mothers head; to entertain and swoon over her future husband.

"Woah, nice" Dylan brightly cheers with his thumbs up and a bright grin.

"Thank you" Marcella says instinctively.

"What's your question?" Chris says alert and attentive whilst Tommy is busy with his headphones plugged into a guitar, strumming away without notice of others.

"Who is Hazel?"

"Hazel? She's Fred's friend" Chris answers plainly.

"I know that," Marcella says bluntly, "but who is Hazel?"

"Well, I know she is about Fred's age" Dylan describes as he thinks carefully.

"I think she has a sister too, but we haven't spoken to Hazel in years not since we became a band officially" An apologetic tone comes from Chris due to the lack of knowledge he can think of.

"She used to visit a lot to talk to Fred when he became our manager and would sort of look out for us like a second mother," Chris takes a quick glance at Tommy before continuing, "then she just stopped after an argument she had with Fred"

"She used to look after Tommy, this was before we met Fred who she introduced us to, but they didn't get along very well" Dylan says to Marcella in a hushed whisper as he switches his gaze to check on Tommy's blissful deafness to their conversation.

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