Chapter 4

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Sunlight seeps through the gaps in the curtains, flooding the room as the droopy eyes struggle to flicker open and fixate their gaze onto anything but the pillow, tempting them into eternal sleep. Marcella's thoughts are interrupted by a gentle knock and the soft creak of her door from Esther.

"Princess, breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes, do you need any assistance this morning?" Esther gracefully states as Marcella shakes her head negatively, hearing the door swiftly close.

Resting against the headboard of her bed, Marcy is reminded of last night's events balling up fists of her sheets tightly. She breaths calmly recalling the angelic voice resonating in her mind making her unconsciously smile while it drowned out the sound of rain. Absentmindedly, she found herself walking to the washroom to freshen up before changing.

Countless gowns and dresses overcrowd the wardrobe leaving Marcy to pick up the first one she could reach. Realising the mistake of dismissing Esther, she changes with great difficulty into the many layers of fabric weighing her down and slips on a pair of heels whilst hopping towards the door.

Breakfast was quiet and tense without a single breath being drawn from anyone and it was not alleviated when Eric did not show up. Now and then, Marcy received empathetic looks from her parents both waiting for the silence to end. It began to get too deafening that Marcella quickly excused herself muttering only a few words of goodbye before rushing out.

Feeling suffocated in the dining room and restricted from going out in the rain she made her way through the castle to the only room she felt free, the art room. Situated in the furthest wing of the palace, this is where she usually went to release her thoughts and feelings making it strictly off limits to anyone. Marcella's parents initially taught her how to paint whilst Esther used to visit to help and teach her different techniques but that was before she started to become serious in her studies and responsibilities. After that Marcella would shut herself away and paint her own personal paintings.

Gripping the paint brush lightly in her hand, Marcella allows it to move spontaneously onto the canvas propped against the wall. Vibrant red and blue hues adorn the fabric as she hums a gentle melody letting her mind create its own masterpiece.

Marcy drops the brush into a pot of water and smiles proudly at the painting, but it disappears when she marvels at the paint splashes that decorate the walls and floor of the room. Panic travels through her body as she leaps towards the corner and carefully removes the, now paint splattered, cloth from the canvas looking nervously at the surface. Her eyes strain from the intensity of the stare blinking carefully after analysing it all, releasing a sigh of relief afterwards. She slumps down and stares blankly at the newly exposed painting captivating the calming essence it radiated.

By far this was Marcy's favourite painting as it captured many mysterious objects that she had never experienced before but whilst painting it she felt a strange sense of familiarity attracting her more and more to it with every passing day.

An unexpected knock breaks the tranquil daze held by Marcella as quiet voices cut through from the other side of the walls.

"Princess," Esther pauses in anticipation of a reply, "Princess, the King and Queen have requested for your presence in the arrangement for your upcoming ball" she speaks softly.

Marcella ignores Esther and continues tidying up the mess and places the cloth back over the painting. Setting up a clean canvas upon the easel and organising all the clean brushes in an orderly row.

"Marcy," a familiar voice calls out, "I know you are in there; Father wants you to come out"

"I do not feel like discussing this matter with them any further Eric"

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