Chapter 5

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"Where have you been?" Esther repeats more sternly this time.

"I've been here"

Marcella remains composed as Esther tries to crack open the stiff wall built up by Marcy covering the lie on her face. Taking slow and small steps towards Marcy, Esther situates herself on the seat opposite eyeing the young girl suspiciously.

"Where is the Prince?"

"I am here" A deep voice emerges from the doorway as Marcella releases a relieved sigh.

Esther continues to look at them both with apprehension until her stare is averted to the trail of muddy footprints. Eric's eyes widen unlike his sister's which stay calm and relaxed whilst her head cocks to the side cluelessly at Esther. Watching as Eric's mouth shakes trying to find his words Marcella cuts in diverting all attention onto her.

"Eric had to leave momentarily, when he returned I got him to change and I guess I was not quick enough, he had trekked mud inside by accident" Marcella pronounces carefully and elegantly each word as convincing as the previous one.

Esther smiles briefly to herself flicking her sight to Eric who nods agreeable in a hurry sitting by his sister's side. Although both adults, their childish nature has not left their life just yet, bringing joy to Esther as she recalls the days the two would jump around and giggle to inside jokes with themselves.

Slowly, however, everyone could see the distance being created in the palace as responsibilities and duties shifted around. Leo became more involved in the Guard Society until he reached a higher status after 4 years of training. Eric was destined to be King and take over the throne since he was born, and it was only a matter of time that was pending for him to take full control of his role. Marcella, on the other hand, was ultimately praised as a gift to suitors from neighbouring kingdoms and that was her written path in life.

Leo stopped climbing over the wall, Eric stopped pranking and joking with his sister, leaving Marcy alone in the library as she eventually stopped begging for an alternative course of life.

Everyone noticed the quick silence as the three of them grew up, but also quickly recognised the happiness when they were all together.

"Have you decided on the details for the ball this weekend?" Esther asks avoiding the issue of mud as she sat gracefully beside Marcella.

"We have not talked thoroughly through the plans as I had something to take care of beforehand" Eric declares holding his head high.

"My apologies, Your Highness"

"Eric!" Marcy sharply intakes at her brother's rude tone.

"I'm sorry Esther, I didn't mean to sound mean, speaking like this is hard"

"Don't worry," Esther tries to calm the remorseful boy bowing to her, "I will get some cherry pie and you two can start discussing the proposals for the ball so I can pass them onto the King and Queen"

The door closes softly behind Esther as Marcy slumps into her seat, Eric mimicking his sisters actions. Turning her head to the side, Marcella picks up a pile of papers stacked in a thick tower and begins to scan through them. After each glance she would throw the loose sheets to the ground as her brother carefully retrieves them and stops her before she can continue.

"Marcy," chuckles escape from Eric, "you are supposed to be reading these" he emphasises raising one of his eyebrows peering over the millions of sheets still in Marcy's hands.

"I am reading them"

Marcy sinks deeper into the chair looking at the overwhelming number of guests planning on attending. She loses focus frequently, trying to concentrate on the words in front of her as random thoughts intrude her mind constantly knowing that her own brain doesn't want to contain this tedious information.

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