Chapter 11

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Fred returns to the kitchen where the three boys gather in anticipation to a reasonable answer for the stranger in their bathroom. Leaning over the countertop, their gazes travel to Fred's tall figure who strolls straight past them and sieves through the pile of menus in the drawer.

"I'm too tired to cook, should we just get a takeaway?" Fred asks casually as he throws a choice of restaurants back into the draw until he is left with a couple in his grasp. 



"Are we going to talk about the girl in our house?" Dylan questions, urging for a reply.

"Well, I was hoping she could stay here with you guys" Fred says nervously as he rubs his palms against his jeans.

"What? No, nope" Tommy rejects.

"Why not?"

"I don't think it is wise either, she did appear out of nowhere, tried to attack Tommy TWICE! And she seems kind of out of it since she woke up from the hospital" Dylan explains concisely.

"I was going to wait until I knew more, but I think Marcella is-"

Fred is abruptly interrupted by gentle footsteps creeping into the room around the corner, revealing Marcy drowned in an even bigger shirt than before.

"I gave her your clothes, I thought you wouldn't mind plus I am not quite convinced over the cleanliness of the other two's clothes" Fred whispers to Chris as he walks over to the dining table to sit.

Chris remains silent as he admires how innocent she looks with her damp hair but as she moves it behind her ear he sees her red, puffy eyes. 'Is she ok?' Chris thinks with concern as his heart aches a little bit, but quickly dismisses that feeling and joins Fred at the table.

"Thank you for the clothes" Marcy bows her head respectfully.

"Please, take a seat," Fred offers kindly to everyone, "I am sure we all have a few questions"

Silence fills the room for a moment as no one knows where to even begin giving time for Fred to study Marcella. Her mannerisms, etiquette and tone all seem foreign, yet her facial features and small qualities appear far too familiar, posing quite the mystery.

"Before we begin I would like to apologise for my behaviour and actions towards you all, my threatening remarks and apparent attacks were a result of my irrationality and poor self-discipline" Marcella announces out of the blue with her head lowered in disappointment.

"Irrationality? You were scared it is understandable to react how you did" Dylan hesitantly replies as he side eyes the sword propped up against the doorframe.

"Now we have cleared that up, may I ask where you live?" Fred inquires as everyone edges forward on their seat.

"I do not know" Marcella whispers as she fiddles with the hem of the shirt.

"You mentioned Elysianair and a palace earlier, would you mind explaining what you meant?"

"I was dearly mistaken," a sad smile appears on her face, "it seems that I am simply lost"

"Can I ask why you had a sword?" Tommy speaks up.

"I am sorry again if I frightened you," Marcy sincerely says before answering the question, "I needed it for self-defence in a moment of protection"

"Are you married?" Dylan surprisingly asks.

"No" Marcella shudders under that thought as it resurfaces her dreaded memories.

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