Chapter 24

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Another screams muffles in the wind pass Marcy's ear as she leaps over fallen branches and sunken rocks. Concern of the three bodies rushing behind washes over her head, the once wide and bright eyes tighten into a thin line with heavy breaths panting out from her chapped parted lips.


Regret, power, and fury mix together in the shaky call which halts the four readily to the ground. Ducking instinctively to the closeness of the voice Marcy raises her hand as before to signal the others of her weariness.

They all hold in their nerves, Tommy following Marcy's outwards gaze, Dylan tightly covering his mouth with the back of his hand, and Chris staring at her concentrated demeanour. Taking steps as light as air backwards she reaches whisper distance of the others.

"Fall back" Marcy orders with her eyes fixated in the direction of the yell.

"But th-"

"I am completely aware of who that was which is why you three need to stay away from the situation," she cuts Dylan off in a harsh manner, "I don't know what is happening, but I do know you guys will be collateral damage if you do not fall back right this instance"

"What about you?" Chris questions, reluctant to hear her reply.

"Royal guards will be scouting the entire kingdom by morning, so I suggest you find a place to hide"

The heat of the sun would have no effect on warming the coldness of Marcy's tone as she shoots them a deathly stare. Sighing as none back away from the intense staring match she hands Dylan a small dagger that she stole from the training ground.

"Don't die," her words share concern and slight fear which is neatly concealed by her emotionless expression as she walks over to Chris holding his arm out, "keep this safe, you can return it when I get back Bunny Boy"

He stares at the loosely attached bracelet tangled around his wrist, removing his gaze from the carrot charm up to Marcy's disappearing figure.

Never looking back, she swiftly reaches the small bunker within a dense forest patch as her sights lock onto a large body carrying Hazel's unconscious body. Nibbling on her bottom lip Marcy grabs a small stone from beside her and propels it at the closing door.

Creeping closer she sighs in relief at the lodged stone keeping the entrance open for her slick movements into the unknown structure. The hallways are unusually well lit and empty with no sound bouncing through the air. Clutching firmly to the hilt of the sword positioned at the waist of her belt, Marcy creeps stealthily down the narrow path as she fails to find any quick access points nor any signs of life.

Sticking close to the darkened walls she rolls around the corner holding her sword out defensively, slicing through the thick air. The strange emptiness and silence of the entire building only heightens her vigilance and attention as she is now introduced with two door leading off to extending rooms and a single door at the end of the corridor, taunting and laughing at her puzzled thoughts.

Lightly inching to the closest room on the left she casts open the metal frame. Twisting the sword comfortably her eyes sharpen on the dried blood painting the white walls and crumpled duvet splattered on the floor. Rusty chains hang from the ceiling as scratch marks compliment the deep dents found on the inside of the door.

Marcy tightens her grip turning her knuckles white as she storms out and slams open the second door to the right of the corridor. This door is locked from the inside tight as her patience runs thin finding the only other option to fulfil her curiosity most convincing when she hears muffled cries scream panic.

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