Chapter 1

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"Marcella! Eric!" A fierce lion sneers as they lock onto their target of two adrenaline filled bodies.

A small nod from one to another sets them both off running around and in between the beast standing tall in front of them. Left, right, left, right side stepping fast on their toes the two children dodge every advancement of the animal pouncing at them.

Cornered with no escape the little boy becomes engulfed in the dark shadow impending over him releasing a quiet yelp the closer it approaches. In a matter of seconds, he goes flying up in the air as his body is thrown as high as the ceiling back into the arms of the supposed monster giggling and cheering.

"I'll save you!" A loud roar calls out at the notice of her brother caught in the grasp of their chaser, running as fast as she can, ready to attack until she herself is tangled up in a pair of arms.

"Got you! Tickle attack!"

A burst of laughter erupts in the middle of the corridor without a care in the world of the spectators who may be passing by. Marcella and Eric jump down from their capturers and continue to burn all their energy chasing each other around in a circle making them both collapse onto the floor in dizziness. Stephen wraps an arm around Anastasia as they admire the miracles playing together, gently pressing a kiss onto her temples.

"Your Majesties, the Duke and Duchess of Opulenton have arrived" A young guard announces interrupting the relaxed cosy mood, leaving at the swipe of the King's hand.

"Mummy and daddy have to go and talk to some fancy people, don't make too much trouble" Anastasia says bopping them on the end of their noses.

"Don't tell your mother" Stephen whispers reaching into his pocket to reveal a handful of neatly wrapped chocolate, lighting up their broad eyes.

Without hesitation Marcella and Eric grab as much as their tiny hands could, hiding them behind their bodies whilst smiling at their parents disappearing around the corner. Squealing in excitement they quickly unwrap one each and swallow it like water feeling the sugar rush hitting them immediately.

Imagination takes control of their child minds navigating them through treacherous forests and misty rivers all the way to mystical mountains and cosy cottages. Travelling in and out of a range of rooms disturbing the staff giving them their daily joke the two children leap into the garden for a game of hide and seek.

"I'll hide you count" Eric decides hastily before racing off through the many hedges.

"...48, 49, 50!" Marcella creeps around the maze of green jumping around corners in hope of finding her brother curled up behind a leaf.

A violent sneeze vibrates through the air snapping Marcella's head to the flock of birds escaping from the tree as she sprints in that direction. Approaching closer to her target, Marcella slows her pace and tiptoes from behind preparing to give Eric the scare of his life. She notices his shoulders raising signalling that his allergies are playing up again plotting to frighten her little brother just at the right moment.

"BOO!" Eric releases a deafening scream as Marcella appeared just as he was mid sneeze resulting in him jolting up and moving away in defence.

"Ok you hide I'll count" He proposes as he already begins counting at lightning speed.

Marcella rushes around corners skidding along the grass hushing the gardeners of her presence so that her hiding spot is secured. Now she waits. Marcella knew that she could easily tell where Eric was in the garden by his constant sneezing so she would always move to a different hiding place whenever he was near. A devilish smile emerges on her face once she hears the familiar sniffles ready to sneak passed him.

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