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"Dear, bring it inside before the wolves come!" Panic seeping in at the midnight hour striking hard as the grandfather clock echoes through the desolate hallway counting down the disappearing minutes.

"It's crying! What should we do?" A flustered young man looms out the darkness hovering over a lonely woven basket packed neatly in a crying bundle and wax sealed note.

In acknowledgement to the situation, the well-dressed man scooped the basket up without hesitation and closed the solid door shut kicking the cold breeze out before connecting his gaze with his wife. Hurried steps trail through the still air building up to the tense atmosphere of the deep chimes of the howling night. The warmth of the blazing fire engulfs the cold bodies entering, raging the particles within to excite in consternation.

"Who would leave this here at this time of night?" Stephen says in concern and anger.

"Let's read what the letter says" Anastasia proposes, lightly tearing the stiff sealed crest decorating the green wax and unfolding it carefully reciting the cursive words embedded neatly into the paper.

"Honey, what is written?"

"Not much-" Anastasia's soothing voice is momentarily cut off by soft sniffles residing from the basket.

Stephen swiftly throws more wood to feed the fires hunger in attempts to release the blue accumulating on the curled up lips, sending spits of sparks crackling around the room. Rushing back, he gently rocks the basket side to side returning his sight to his beautiful wife. What a comforting sight this would be if it weren't for the mysterious circumstances lurking in their heads.

"Stephen I don't think this is a good idea" Anastasia voices apprehensively already knowing her husband's unmoving decision.

"Why not? It clearly says that she has no family left and wouldn't our child be lonely without a sibling?" He persuasively says edging for Anastasia to peer at the sleeping baby now with reddened cheeks from the heat whilst she unconsciously placed a hand over her stomach.

"We don't know where this child came from though" Anastasia tries to convince herself against Stephens persistent motivation.

"We cannot simply put the poor child back out into the wild"

"We cannot simply let them stay here; people may talk," a hushed whisper follows the last few words, "it is late and cold, in the morning we will send for a someone to take it to an orphanage"

"Who would leave such a cute baby outside our door?" Stephen coos at the sleepy infant once Anastasia had reached an inaudible distance.

The child rests tenderly snuggled in a pile of blankets grasping tightly to a long chain loosely hanging from their neck. Simplistically unaware of the cold fire and illuminating shadows of innocence and morality projected large and foreboding in the corners of the room and behind the walls.

The morning sun arises as bustling noises circle the countless rooms not one step missing a single beat. To the pairs surprise the small child cradled in between stacks of pillows seems unfazed by the lively atmosphere, peacefully caressing the green stone from the silver chain as the colours reflect in her wide eyes. A light giggle and wide smile grace upon the baby's face once they notice the two figures standing in front of them, holding their hands out in a grabbing motion.

Stephen waste no time in reciprocating that motion and shovels the small human from the many sheets into his arms. Anastasia feels her heart melt at the sight of her husband gleaming with love and admiration for the baby as she slowly becomes less restraint to Stephen's offer. "I guess it would be unfair for our child to grow up without a sister"


Anastasia nods her head happily as Stephen's eyes widen and strides to his wife placing a kiss on her forehead before tickling the child laughing in his arms. All the passing staff noticed the extra presence in the room finding comfort in the rejoice of their family once more.

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