Chapter 2

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Growing into her teenage years, the library quickly became Marcella's most frequently visited room where she would spend hours on end practicing a variety of different mannerisms and greetings with Esther; perfecting each and every one of them. Today was no different as she entered the grand doors introducing a vast collection of books decorating the walls and tables expecting yet another lecture on her posture and language.

The same welcome everyday fills the dusty air as Esther closes the book in hand and harshly drops it on the desk she was leaning on. They both take a seat opposite each other whilst Esther pours a cup of tea creating an inviting atmosphere despite the lack of presence in the room.

"How has your private studying been?" Esther inquires making Marcella nibble nervously on her bottom lip.

"Amazingly well! In fact, people could say I am more fit to be my own ruler"

"With the knowledge of Socrates in the book from last week you sure would make a good leader"

"Exactly!" Marcella hurriedly agrees gaining a disappointed frown.

"The book from last week was about language and composure, something we may need to work on today"

Marcella looks down at her lap knowing she has just been caught in her lie and gulps at the thought of today's lesson. To avoid responding, she grabs the cup from the tray in front of her and proceeds to gulp it down burning her tongue in the process. As a result, the porcelain smashes on the floor as they both stare in shock. Marcella jumps up and starts collecting the small broken pieces in her hand with her face heating up in embarrassment.

"Dear let me do that" Esther insists removing the shards from her hands and wiping the fragrant liquid with a small square cloth.

'Not again.' Marcella thinks as she watches as the water smear across the wooden floor creating abstract lines and shapes mesmerising her curious mind. Her brain takes her through a new world filled with loud noises and bright lights flooding her senses with sweat and shadows. She feels her heart beating at the speed of light finding herself grasping onto the necklace draped around her neck.

"Princess, are you okay?" Esther's soothing voice cuts in and breaks Marcella from her hypnotic daydream.

"Yes, I am fine, what shall we start with then?" She enthusiastically suggests in an attempt to distract her thoughts.

Four hours pass and Marcella has finally perfected the correct posture and read the supplements to her studies to Esther's surprise. On top of that, she also became ahead of her lessons worrying Esther slightly of her overly motivated need to learn knowing full well of how she can normally be.

"We can stop here" Esther decides to finalise.

"I think I am going to stay and read a bit more"

"Are you sure you don't want to visit the Prince and Leo?" Marcella looks at Esther in surprise not realising she knew that she sneaks off sometimes, "Don't fret I am not angry at your endeavours; however, you seem distracted, is there something on your mind perhaps?" Caution mixes in with her words observing how Marcella reacts.

"No, I am just weary of how much I need to read" Marcella masks on a smile.

"You are only 16, plenty of time to read these – if I am being honest – useless books," Esther light heartedly says, "go and see your brother and Leo, if anyone asks just say it is a part of our lesson, I'll sort out the rest"

"Really?" Marcella says in disbelief at the words spooling out of Esther's mouth. Not once has she experienced such untroubled suggestion from Esther in the whole of her life, especially those involving activities unconventional to her duties as Princess.

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