Chapter Thirty-Four

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A.D. 69

Simon had terrorized the Jerusalemites even worse than the Romans... so they believe.

John of Gischala is now dominating the city of Jerusalem. He permits his followers—particularly his Galilean fighters—to plunder the houses of the rich in exchange for their loyalty. He even permits them to abuse women; "it was sport to them".

Around or even past Purim,[A Jewish holiday which celebrates Judaism surviving extinction by an evil pagan (as retold in The Book of Esther, a canon book of the Old Testament) about six centuries before. This is around February-March.] they even cross-dress dreadfully. They deck their hair. They put on women's garments. They cover their faces with ointments. They paint their eyes. They imitate the lusts of women. They go around, these murderers!

People try to flee John of Gischala for the Romans, so they exit Jerusalem. But Simon bar Giora waits for them outside. So does the sword in his hand.

The Idumaeans in Jerusalem—who fled here because of Simon bar Giora—rebel against and band up against John of Gischala, being upset over his cruelty. So John and his gang of Zealot terrorists—those not killed by the Idumaeans—go up to the East of Jerusalem. This includes the Temple Mount.

The chief priests, being led by another chief priest, a certain Matthias,[Whether this is the same Matthias who is the father of Joseph bar Matthias, or this is a different Matthias, is left vague.] gather with the Idumaeans over how they are to rid the city (and hopefully the world) of John and his Sicarii.

They come up with an appalling idea:

Permit Simon to stop John.

So Matthias is sent to beg Simon bar Giora to please come to Jerusalem to cleanse it of these Zealots. So he arrogantly comes in. The people praise this man. "Savior and Preserver," they say.

But Simon is still a terrorist.

And now Simon becomes the master of Jerusalem. He plunders up all the Zealot stores. So they try to take down John's armies at the Temple Mount. But they get shot down fairly easily. And they also build four wooden towers around the Temple.

So for now, the Zealots under John are safe.


Meanwhile, Vespasian is subduing more and more of Judea. Judea on its north is falling down, down, down...

Getting closer to Jerusalem now.

It is June 23.

Now Vespasian is even riding as far as the divided Jerusalem. One of his commanders, Cerealis, is fighting Idumea also. Even Hebron fell to Cerealis; many died, and the city was set ablaze.

Only four cities are left in control of the Zealots: Herodium, Masada, Macherus, and Jerusalem.

Three of them are fortresses.

One of them, the one objective for the Romans to take, has around two years left.

Daughter of My People: Jesus' Jerusalem destroyedWhere stories live. Discover now