Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Midgard, 2013

"Ground your feet," Uncle Steve suggests.

I nod and try my best to do what he said, as I duck to avoid getting punched and kick him in the ribs. We keep fighting for a bit.

"Great, better!" he congratulates me, before I punch him in the face

"I'm so sorry Uncle Steve! That was an accident!" I apologize, and he rolls his eyes:

"A little punch won't kill me. And please, I keep telling you, stop calling me 'Uncle Steve', it makes me feel older than I am."

"But it's so funny to see how annoyed you get every time I call you like that, and to see how other people react when they see a teenage girl call Captain America 'uncle', plus, I kind of like it," I laugh.

"Glad to see I amuse you," he replies, jokingly.

"Wow, you even sound like me when you speak now!" I exclaim, as he replies:

"And you sound more and more like me!"

I do not get the chance to add anything because I am interrupted by his phone that starts ringing in his pocket. Uncle Steve has explained to me what a phone is in more details, and I now understand the concept. He takes it out and answers:


Who is this 'Fury' person? I have never heard that name. It is a weird name. Who would want their child to be named after a Greek mythology killer?

"Sure, I can drop by, I just need to stop by my place, first," Uncle Steve says, glancing at me.

He keeps talking:

"Okay, fine, I'll be there."

He looks at me:

"I'm sorry, I need to go to work, right now. I don't have time to go back to my place, so you're gonna have to come with me."

He does not seem to remember that I can easily teleport back to his place. However, I do not mention it, because he has been very secretive about where he works, therefore I want to see it.

"Sure, not a problem," I nod.

We grab our things and head outside to his motorcycle. Uncle Steve hands me my helmet, even if I have told him countless times that a fall from this engine would never kill an Asgardian and puts on his. I sit behind him and he starts driving, as I look around me. I am beginning to like this city, it is very different from Asgard, but I have been living in Washington for a few months now and I am getting used to how things are around here.

Uncle Steve parks his motorcycle, we both get off it, and start walking towards the entrance of a gigantic building. It is very impressive. Uncle Steve opens the door for me, and I thank him as I walk inside first. We head to the elevators but have to walk by security first. The man respectfully nods towards Uncle Steve and says:


I knew people called him Captain. Why did he ask me to stop? It does not matter anymore; I much prefer Uncle Steve. I follow Steve towards the elevators, but the man stops me:

"Excuse me, I'm going to need your IDs. I can't let you in without seeing them."

Uncle Steve comes back towards us:

"She's with me. I'm sorry, the Director called me here on an urgent matter, and I didn't have time to take her back home. She doesn't have any IDs with her at the moment, she left them at home."

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