Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Earth, 2015

"We need to talk," Steve tells me, walking into my room.

After what happened in Lagos, the whole team was pretty shaken up. Steve feels terrible and is blaming himself for what happened, but I think he's being too hard on himself; learning that Bucky remembered him must have been pretty hard news.

I was out all day with Peter. When I got back and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. where Steve was, I was told that everyone was in a meeting with the State Secretary. I've been waiting anxiously for Steve to get out of that meeting since then. My uncle sits next to me on my bed and continues:

"The State Secretary wants us to sign new Accords, the Sokovia Accords. He thinks we need supervision. 117 countries approved it, and it says that the Avengers are no longer a private organisation, and that we now operate under the supervision of the United Nations Panel. We have three days to decide if we want to sign, but if we don't, we're expected to retire," he pauses, before adding, "Tony and Rhodes definitely will sign, Nat is agreeing with them, and so is Vision. Sam, Wanda and I haven't made up our minds yet. The only thing Tony and I agree on right now is that it is more important than ever for you to stay in hiding and for no one to learn about your powers, or about your father. They would make you sign these Accords, or worse, put you behind bars," he sighs.

He looks at the ground, and he seems devastated. I put my hand on his arm and say:

"I'll do whatever you want, don't worry about me. But that's not what is bothering you the most right now. What is it?"

He sighs once more, and his eyes get watery. I've never seen him like this. I ask, concerned:

"Uncle Steve, what's wrong?"

"She's gone," he doesn't need to add anything, I understand immediately.

I hug him:

"I'm sorry."

"So am I. I'm leaving for London, and you're coming with me. There's no way I'm leaving you here all alone right now, not when the State Secretary is on our back."

"There was no way I would miss Peggy's funeral anyways," I reply, getting up.

I quickly gather some of my things and we make our way towards one of the jets. I know Steve will need all the support he can get, so I quickly go to Sam to hug him, whispering in his ear:

"Peggy's gone, how fast do you think you can grab your things and come with us?"

"Give me two minutes."

He runs out of the room, and I go to Steve who's getting the jet ready:

"We need to wait for Sam before leaving."

He looks at me for a second before answering:

"Thank you."

The flight to London goes by quickly, as Sam and Steve are quiet the whole time, and I mostly text with Peter, explaining the situation. I didn't tell him anything about the Accords, but I told him that I was on my way to London, for Peggy's funeral. Once we get there, Sam and Steve get ready in the plane, and I do the same. To honor Peggy's memory, and to show Steve that I truly care, I decide to take the time to do this the human way and get changed without using my powers. We head to the funeral's venue, and I sit in the front row next to Sam, while Steve goes to help carry the coffin. Seeing him so sad breaks my heart. As the funeral continues, Uncle Steve sits between Sam and I, and I take his hand.

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