Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Earth, 2018

"Somebody get to Vision!" Uncle Steve yells in his comm.

"I got him!" Bruce says, as Wanda replies:

"On my way."

"On it," I add.

I instantly teleport to Vision, who's fighting with the other alien who was in Scotland. I blast him away and get to Vision:

"Are you all right?" I ask.

He nods, thanking me, but I get hit behind the head and fall to the ground, feeling dizzy. As I try to get up, I notice that Bruce is fighting a second alien, much bigger than the one who knocked me out. I let him have his fight and keep trying to get up. I need to help Vision; I know what he means to Wanda. I see Vision fighting the Scotland alien, before getting stabbed:

"I thought you were a formidable machine, but you're dying, like any man," the alien says.

Vision falls to the ground, so I gather all of the energy I have left to get up and run to the guy, my dagger in my hand, but he turns around and pushes me away with his spear. I feel the metal cut through my skin as I let out a painful scream. I fall on the ground like a rag doll and look down at my arm to see a deep cut. Steve comes running towards us and tackles the alien to the ground, telling Vision and I to get out of here. Obviously, neither of us do, and as Steve keeps fighting, Vision gets up, picks up the alien's spear, and plants it in his back. The alien finally dies, as Steve tells Vision:

"I thought I told you to go."

"We don't trade lives, Captain," Vision relies in a low voice.

Wanda gets here and runs to Vision, as Steve comes to me and checks my arm.

"You should've been more careful!" he scolds me.

I roll my eyes:

"It's nothing, it feels like a paper cut," I reply, trying to reassure him.

Obviously, I'm lying, it doesn't feel like a paper cut, it hurts like hell.

"Liv, I can see your bone, I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel like a paper cut," Uncle Steve argues.

"Well, then maybe I'll just have to get a metal arm like Bucky!"

He chuckles and gets serious again when Vision groans not far from us.

"He's here," we hear him say.

That means Peter and the others couldn't fight him. I hope they're okay. I'm really tempted to teleport just to make sure, but I can't do that to Steve. Plus, I don't think I have enough energy left in me to teleport to space. Uncle Steve says in his comm:

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming."

We stay silent, looking everywhere around, waiting for Thanos to arrive. A blue and black cloud appears not far from us, before a big purple giant with a chin like I've never seen before comes out of it. By the Gauntlet he has, I'm guessing this is Thanos. Bruce is the first one to run to him, but Thanos uses one of the Infinity Stones and sends Banner right through him and traps him into a rock wall. Next, Steve walks to him, but gets thrown away by a purple blast. T'Challa tries to jump on Thanos, but he catches him by the neck before throwing him on the ground. Sam comes flying, but Thanos waves his hand and sends him away. Everyone tries to get to Thanos, but he keeps blasting everyone away before they even get to touch him. I gather my strength and slowly get up as Steve fights Thanos a second time, almost stopping him, but failing. He's too powerful for any of us, I'm gonna need to be smart about this. I am the daughter of the God of Mischief; I think I can do it. I fiercely walk towards Thanos, holding my arm:

"Please don't kill me, I'll do what you want. You will have my undying fidelity."

He tilts his head:

"Really? Undying?"

I nod, making my dagger slide into my hand. I quickly raise my arm to stab him, but he grabs me by the neck.

"You have the same fire your father had. And you are going to die the same way; strangled by my hand."

Uncle Steve yells as I gasp for air, and finally feel myself being thrown away. I realize that he gave up on strangling me when he saw that Wanda was close to destroying Vision's stone. I lie on the ground, catching my breath, bringing my hand to my neck, as Steve crawls to me:

"What were you thinking?"

"Apparently, the same thing as my father."

I see Wanda destroying the stone, and I feel terribly sorry for her. She lost Vision. Wait, what's happening? Thanos brings back Vision, and kills him again, taking his stone out of his forehead. I think everything is lost. That we lost, but then I see Thor's axe, Stormbreaker, hit Thanos in the chest. Soon after, Thor lands in front of Thanos, and I sigh in relief as he pushes the axe further into Thanos' body.

"I told you, you'd die for that," Thor says, still pushing on the axe, as Thanos screams in pain.

"You should have... You should..." Thanos says, weakly before gaining composure and saying more clearly, "you should have gone for the head."

And, with the hand wearing the Gauntlet, he snaps.

"No!" Thor yells, "What'd you do?" he asks, before repeating, angrily, "what'd you do?"

Thanos uses the Stones to teleport away, leaving Stormbreaker behind. Steve gets up before helping me up, asking Thor:

"Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?"

Thor stays silent, and we hear Bucky asks not far from us:

"Steve?" I look at him and he adds, "doll?"

He stumbles over, drops his gun, before collapsing into ashes. Steve walks towards where Bucky was and touches the ground in disbelief. I suddenly start feeling not so good. I look down to see that my hands are starting to turn into ashes.

"Uncle Steve?" I ask, weakly, "Uncle Thor? I'm scared," I add, feeling my eyes water, "please, make it stop."

Steve hurries to me and takes me into his arms, a tear rolling down his cheek. I beg:

"Please, don't let me go. Tell Peter I lov–." 

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