Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Earth, 2015

When I wake up, I'm lying on a bed in the Sanctuary with food and a note next to me. I slowly get up and force myself to eat as the memories of earlier come back, rushing in. After two bites, I can't eat anything more. I take the note from Wong, telling me to join him at the library when I wake up. I walk there and find him reading a book.

"Thank you, for the bed and the food," I say, as I sit next to him.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asks.

"Not particularly, no," I reply.

He nods understandingly, before telling me that now that I am up and well, he's going to send me to Maria's place. I sigh, tired of moving all the time, I just want my Uncle Steve back. And Peter. Wong creates a portal sending me to Maria's and I knock on her door. She opens it, hugging me.

"What's Uncle Steve's status?" I ask in a small voice as I walk inside.


"What about the others?"

"Captured. Falcon, Wanda, Barton, Lang, are in a high-level security prison. As for Steve and the Winter Soldier, they are nowhere to be found," she replies sadly.

As I remain quiet, she adds:

"I'm sorry, Liv. I know you lost everything today."

For the next few days, Maria tries her best to cheer me up as I am lethargic, but it's no use. This time, I truly am alone. I tried to call Peter a few times, with my new phone, but I always get directly sent to voicemail. I sent him at least a million texts as well, without ever getting an answer back. As I am laying in the darkness of my room, Maria knocks slightly on my door.

"Liv, there's someone who wants to talk to you."

I get my hopes up, thinking it might be Uncle Steve, or even Peter, but no. It's only Tony.

"I don't want to talk with you," I rudely say, when he enters my room.

"I know I did some shitty things, you don't have to talk, just listen."

As I stay quiet, he continues:

"On that battlefield, I really thought what I was doing was right, that Cap was helping the wrong friend. When Rhodes fell, I realized that things got out of hands. We were supposed to be there for each other, but instead we turned on each other. I can't do anything about Cap and the others, but I can help you. Come live at the Stark Tower with me."

"How is this going to help? Everyone living with you turned their backs on Steve; they betrayed him. And I'm pretty sure they're all afraid of me by now. Plus, I'm not really in the mood to see Peter."

"That's okay. I won't force you, but if there's ever anything. You have my number," he tells me before leaving.

As soon as Tony leaves, how much I miss Uncle Steve hits me. I know I shouldn't do this, that it would expose me to danger, and that Steve wouldn't want me doing this, but I've waited long enough. I think about him and teleport.

"Liv? What are you doing here?" Uncle Steve asks surprised to see me.

I look around to see that we're inside a prison, a high-level security prison.

"I'm here to see you! What are you doing here?"

"What does this look like? I'm breaking them out!" he replies, gesturing towards the cells.

"Let me help you then!" I say, as I break all the doors open, making everyone free.

Wanda hugs me tightly as Steve chuckles:

"Well, that makes things easier!"

Steve tells everyone to hold hands in a circle as I teleport us to a hotel room. I tell everyone to stay there as I falsify a room reservation under an alias for them. Before going back up, I teleport to Bucky's location and bring him back with me.

"So, Liv, I think it's time," Uncle Steve tells me when I teleport back with Bucky.

I give him a confused look as he continues:

"It's time for them to know your true identity."

Everyone stops talking to stare at me, as I slowly say:

"My name is Liv Lokisdottir. I was brought to Midgard by my uncle, Thor, a few years ago, after New York."

"Your uncle is Thor? That means you're Loki's daughter," Clint asks walking towards me menacingly.

Steve pushes me behind him protectively before answering:

"She's nothing like her father. Don't forget, when we were first fighting Ultron, she lifted Thor's hammer. She's worthy. Unlike all of us."

Clint takes a step back and turns to Wanda:

"You don't look surprised."

"I knew all along," she explains, shrugging.

"Well," Sam begins, "I don't give a shit if you're Asgardian or not, you don't go around faking you exploded with a grenade. I grieved you. Try telling Captain America you let his niece get killed."

I snort:

"You did a great job!"

"Wait, you were there?"

I nod:

"Yeah, I was invisible the whole time we were in Berlin," I pause, before adding, "anyways, I should go, before Maria notices I'm gone. Please keep what I just told you between us."

They all promise they won't say a word, and I hug them goodbye. Before I leave, Uncle Steve takes me away from the others and says:

"I'm glad you're here, because I've got something for you. Let's just say it's an early eighteenth birthday gift."

He takes a box out of Bucky's backpack, and hands it to me. I take it and open it to find a beautiful golden dagger. I look up at him and jump into his arms.

"Thank you so much! I love you Uncle Steve."

"I love you too, Liv."

I wipe off a tear, let go of Steve, and say:

"Okay, bye everyone, I'm going now."

Sam tells me to wait before throwing me a gun, explaining:

"Now that you don't have us, I'd like you to have one. Just in case."

I catch the gun, thanking him, and look at Steve who doesn't look happy at all. Before he can say anything, I wave at them and disappear.

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