Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Earth, 2016

Another month went by, and I've visited Bucky only twice. He's still in the ice, but Shuri thinks she's getting close. I have to visit him today, and as I have to disappear multiple times a week, during a long period of time, I found a way to get Tony off my back.

"I'm going out with MJ!" I yell as I leave the tower, not waiting for an answer.

I walk down a few streets before finding a dark alley from which I can teleport to Wakanda. I startle Shuri when I appear next to her.

"How's the treatment going?" I ask.

"I'm closer than I thought I would be at this point, but still far away from finding a way to cure him," she replies, gently.

I quickly check up on Bucky, to see that he is still peacefully asleep in the ice. I spend the morning with Shuri, before I teleport to Uncle Steve and the others, to report back on Bucky. I move them to another location and spend the afternoon with them, before having to go back to the Stark Tower. As I don't want to go back yet, I teleport further away from the Tower and slowly walk back, dragging my feet. I don't want to see Tony's face. No yet. I'm still angry at him over everything that happened. It's now dark outside, and I know that he doesn't like it when I walk around at night, but I'm not really worried. I have my dagger in my boot, and my gun tucked in between my back and my pants. I'm more worried for whoever would try to attack me. Just as I'm thinking this, I feel something sticky wrap itself around my arms. I look down to see spider webs. Peter? I look around but see no one.

"Look up," I hear his voice say.

My heart misses a beat, as I look up to see him, in his Spider-Man suit.

"What are you doing here?" he asks harshly.

"I'm just going back home," I say, and he answers:

"Your home is jail. You're a war criminal. Forget home, I'm taking you to Mr. Stark."

I laugh bitterly but decide not to argue with him. I was going there anyway. He grabs my bare arm and drags me towards the Stark Tower. I shiver at his touch and I know this doesn't go unnoticed as he gives me a look. Why am I acting this way? He's an asshole. The way he broke with me showed me that and ignoring my calls didn't help. We walk in the Stark Tower and I yell:

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.! I'm home!"

"What?" Peter asks me, taking off his mask.

At the same time, Tony walks in the room, screaming at me:

"Liv! Where were you? You're under my responsibility, and I told you to come back before sunset every time you go out. You going out is a privilege I'm giving you, don't make me take it back!"

"Well, I was coming home on time, but this douchebag of yours decided that he was arresting me. I didn't want to hurt his ego, so I played along," I say, as I easily break out of his webs, rolling my eyes.

Peter gasps, as Tony chuckles:

"Sorry Pete, hate to break it to you, but she's a lot stronger than you are."

"So, are we bringing her back to jail?" Peter asks.

Suddenly, Tony looks uncomfortable, as I ask:

"Why do you keep telling me to go back to jail? I never went there."

Peter turns to Tony:

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