Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Earth, 2014

When Uncle Steve comes back that afternoon, he offers to take me to a museum. His museum. As I cannot pass an occasion to make fun of Steve, I accept.

"Will I be able to see the videos you made for high school students?" I ask, laughing.

"What videos?"

I immediately create an illusion of him, sitting on a chair in his Captain America uniform, saying:

"So, you've got detention."

He starts laughing, but abruptly stops and asks:

"Wait. When did you get detention?"

I laugh:

"Never, my friend did and sent me a video as she was making fun of you."

"Well, that's offensive," he replies, jokingly.

"But seriously, though, I'd really like to go to your museum, as I haven't visited it yet!"

"Great, and I thought we could drop by and say hello to Peggy after. And then I have this new friend I would like you to meet. His name is Sam."

I nod:

"Okay, I'm in! Let's go."

As we head out, we run into Kate, our nosy neighbor. I still resent her for making fun of my clothes over a year ago. Plus, it's obvious she's obsessed with Steve, and it's annoying. He hasn't asked you out yet, girl, take the hint.

"Hi, Steve!" she says in her annoying high-pitched voice. "How are you?" she adds, putting her hand on his arm.

I am going to vomit.

"Hi, Kate! I'm doing fine, what about you?"

She answers and they talk for a bit until I decide I've heard enough. I already have plenty on my plate with that stupid mortal Jane, I don't need another primitive blonde hassling my other uncle. I clear my throat as they clearly forgot my presence:

"Hi, Kate. I'm doing great too, thanks for asking. Uncle Steve, aren't we on a tight schedule?"

"Right, sorry," he nods. "It was nice seeing you Kate!"

We finally leave and Steve gives me my stupid helmet so that we don't get pulled over while getting to the museum. Once we get there, Steve puts on a cap so he won't be recognized, which I find stupid because anybody with a 20/20 vision could still recognize him. We get in and I excitedly look around. We can even see a video of Peggy talking about Steve. I refrain myself from telling Steve that going from Peggy to Kate would be a major downgrade. We can then see huge pictures of a beautiful boy with brown hair and blue eyes. I read his name and description, to find out that he is the 'Bucky' Steve keeps telling me about. I turn to my uncle:

"You never told me your best friend was so handsome."

"What?" he exclaims.

"Yeah, he's totally my type," I reply, jokingly.

"Oh, you never told me your type was dead men," he answers, chuckling.

I laugh and we keep looking around for a while, until we leave to go see Peggy. Once we get there, I say hello and talk with her for a bit, before going to wait for Steve outside. I really like Peggy. Steve introduced me to her a few months ago, saying that he adopted me, and she was very supportive. A few minutes later, Uncle Steve comes out, looking a bit sad. He always does when he sees Peggy. I hug him and we leave. Steve drives to a community center, and I ask him:

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