Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Earth, 2014

"I have to go, Liv. I'm going on a mission. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have been taken as hostages on a boat in the Indian ocean, and I need to rescue them," Uncle Steve tells me, over the phone.

"Okay, thanks for telling me, and be careful. Do you know how long you're going to be gone?"

"Not too long, I hope. I should be back tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest."

I thank him, wish him good luck, and hang up.

I try to not think about Uncle Steve too much and focus on my classes for the rest of the morning. At lunch, Peter comes to me:

"Are you okay? You seem a little distracted today."

I nod:

"Yeah, I'm okay, don't worry," I add, lowering my voice, "Steve is on a mission, so I'm just a little worried, that's all."

"I'm sorry, that must be the worst. When is he coming back?"

"He said either late tonight, or tomorrow morning," I shrug.

"Well, wanna come over after school? and if you don't want to be alone tonight, I'm sure May wouldn't mind you crashing over," he offers.

"Thanks, that's nice of you, I'd really like that."

The rest of the day goes by quickly, and when it's over, I find Peter waiting for me by my locker.

"Ready to go?" he asks, "I invited MJ and Ned as well, by the way, I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course I don't!"

But I do, and I don't know why I'm so disappointed. A door slams a bit further in the hallway. I really need to control myself. We head out and are joined shortly after by Ned and MJ, and we all walk back to Peter's place. Once we get there, May greets us kindly, and we head to Peter's room. She comes back shortly after, saying:

"So, I hope you guys are staying here for dinner, I'm trying a new recipe."

"Oh, cool! What is it?" Ned asks

She blushes slightly:

"Now, please don't judge me you guys, but I was looking for new recipes and found this article about the Avengers favourite recipes. Tonight, I'm trying Thor's."

What? This is so exciting. I can't help but ask:

"Can I help with the roasted chicken?"

Everyone stares at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I should've kept this comment to myself. I try to justify myself:

"I read the same article a few days ago, and I thought of trying this recipe as well. I'm not weird."

They all laugh, and May says:

"Sure, you're more than welcome to help!"

I follow her in the kitchen while the others stay in Peter's room, and I start helping her. After a while, she compliments me:

"You are a really great cook; your mother must be proud!"

I shake my head and explain casually:

"Actually, she died when I was really young, I was raised by my father and my grandmother."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, they both must be very proud, then."

I shake my head once again, and answer sadly:

"I hope so, they both passed away a few months ago."

"That must be so hard, I'm really sorry, Liv," she says, hugging me.

"It's okay, I still have my biological uncle. He didn't have time to take care of me though, so I just live with my adopted uncle. He's great."

"Well, just so you know, you'll always be welcomed here. Don't ever hesitate."

As she says that, we take the chicken out of the oven and she calls the others to the kitchen. We all eat, and MJ and Ned leave once dinner is over. Since I have no news from Uncle Steve, I stay here a bit longer. Peter and I decide to watch a movie. We sit next to each other on Peter's bed. I can't help but worry about Steve. It's his first real, big mission since I blasted Thor out of a room, and I'm not used to not hearing from him for so long anymore.

"Everything all right?" Peter asks, noticing I'm not watching the movie anymore.

I sigh:

"Yeah, I'm just worried for Steve."

"Was it a big mission?"

"I think so. Trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were taken hostage by I don't know who, and he had to rescue them. I just can't help worrying, because these agents weren't able to take down that guy, so I hope Steve can do it without harming himself."

"Don't worry, it's Captain America we're talking about, I'm sure he'll be fine," he says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I scoot closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. The stress I was feeling is alleviated from my shoulders. Without noticing it, I slowly drift off to sleep. I'm woken up by my phone ringing. Peter pauses the movie.

"Hello?" I answer, sleepily.

"Hi, Liv. I'm back to the apartment, where are you?" Uncle Steve asks at the other end of the line.

"Uncle Steve? How was your mission? I'm at Peter's, we're watching a movie, it's almost over, I'm coming back right after," I say.

"That's okay take your time, I'll wait for you," he replies.

I hang up and tell Peter to continue playing the movie. 20 minutes later, I'm back home. Steve tells me all about his mission, he's pretty angry at Natasha, whoever that is, and Fury because they concealed information from him or something. After talking for a while, we both go to bed and when I wake up in the morning, Uncle Steve isn't there. I find a note explaining that he'll be back in the afternoon and that we're going to see Peggy. 

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