Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Asgard, 2012

Just like my grandmother asked me, I create a perfect illusion of a forest. She congratulates me, but is interrupted mid-sentence by Thor walking in the room:

"Mother, we need to discuss an urgent matter," he says solemnly.

She nods and turns to me:

"Please go wait in your chambers, and do not come out without being escorted by guards."

"Is everything all right?" I question, worried.

In all the time I have lived in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, I was never asked to be escorted by guards wherever I went.

"Fear not, Liv, it will be," my uncle replies, confidently, "Lady Sif is awaiting, she will be taking you back to your chambers."

I get out of the room to find Lady Sif waiting for me, looking as if having to look after me was the worst thing that could happen to her today. We silently walk back to my room, so I decide to ask:

"Do you know what is going on?"

"Yes," she replies dryly.

I insist:

"Care to explain?"

"I am afraid I cannot," she apologizes.

"All right then. For the record, while it is just you and I, I wanted to say that I think it should have been you by my uncle's side, not that primitive mortal."

She scoffs:

"Flattery will not work on me; I will not tell you about what is happening."

"Ah! So, something is happening!"

She rolls her eyes as we arrive at my chambers.

"Now, get in and remain there," she orders.

I nod and get into my room, closing the door behind me. Who does she think she is? If anything, I should be the one giving her orders. Just because Thor supported her into becoming one of the greatest warriors of Asgard does not mean she can treat me like an animal! I want to know what is happening, and Lady Sif guarding my door is not going to stop me. I walk to my balcony and nimbly jump on the one that's next to mine. I then make myself invisible and head to the Feast Room. I listen closely through the door, and once I am certain that Odin, my grandmother and Thor are in there, I make my way into the room through an open window, to make sure they will not notice my presence.

"Are we sure it is him?" my grandmother softly asks.

"Yes, it is him, and he has stolen the Tesseract. He wants to rule Midgard," Odin replies severely.

"We need to find a way to send me there, so that I can bring Loki back home to Liv," Thor states.

"No, we need to find a way to send you there so that we can put Loki in a cell and keep him as far away from Midgard and the Tesseract as possible," Odin answers, angrily.

No, this is not possible. My father died. How can he be invading Midgard? Why didn't he come back for me? Why did they all lie to me?

"Thor, one of us should break the news to Liv," Frigga says, sadly. "After all, she deserves to know her father is alive."

"I will take care of it, Mother. I will tell her before leaving for Midgard."

"NO ONE will tell Liv anything," Odin says rudely, thudding his spear on the ground.

"I fear it is too late for that," I say, making myself visible again, tears in my eyes.

Everyone remains silent, shocked, so I add casually:

"How are you planning on getting to Midgard, with the Bifrost being destroyed?"

"This is none of your concern," Odin replies at the same time as Frigga answers:

"We will be harnessing dark energy to send him to your father."

I start laughing. One of the many advantages of having Loki as a father is that he taught me about all the secret passages between the Nine Realms, most of which even the Allfather does not know about. I am tempted for a split second to let Odin risk his life harnessing dark energy from the dark worlds, but I decide not to be petty and suggest, looking at Thor:

"This will not be necessary; I can show you a secret pathway to Midgard."

"You will do no such thing," Odin interferes, "I will not risk you pulling a Loki on us."

"To be fair, it had not crossed my mind, but now that you say it, I could reach the pathway myself to get to my father, leaving all of you here, struggling with dark energy you cannot control, but I will not." I pause, "I do not know why you lack so much trust in me, Odin, but I am not my father. Anyways, I do not need you to trust me, I only need Thor to do so," I turn to my uncle and add, "You are the only one I will show the secret pathway to."

Thor shakes his head:

"I will not disobey the Allfather's direct commands, now, go back to your room young lady."

I roll my eyes:

"Fine, as you wish," I look at my grandmother before adding, "but you know I am right, my way is a lot safer. The Allfather is weak, he fell into the Odinsleep just because my father confronted him about his lies, so do you honestly think he is in the right shape to harness dark energy?"

I turn around and proudly walk out of the room, making sure I slam the door behind me. I get back to my chambers to find Lady Sif still guarding the door. Her eyes widen when she sees me and before she can even open her mouth, I say:

"Sorry, I got you in trouble by getting out of the room, but to be fair, you might be a great warrior, but you suck at guarding a door."

I walk into my room, close the door behind me, and I try to calm down. I turn invisible when I hear Thor's voice outside the door. I do not wish to speak with him. He enters without knocking and says:

"Liv, please, I know you are in here. Loki used this trick on me so many times before."

I sigh and make myself appear.

"What do you want?"

He smirks:

"So, care to show me that secret passage of yours?"

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