Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Asgard, 2011

I was awakened this morning by loud voices coming from the hallway, and instantly constated that Thor was at the center of all this dissension. As I get out of my bed, my maid enters the room to help me get ready for my classes today. Once I am prepared, I decide to go take my lessons in the Feast Room, where I have a clear view of the Bifrost. While I begin my Astronomy course, Frigga bursts into the room.

"Liv! There you are! I've been looking for you. Did you know what they were up to?" she asks rigidly.


"Thor and Loki! They went to Jotunheim! To fight the Frost Giants!"

When my father said Thor had a stupid idea, I did not realize it was that stupid.

"Ah, so that is where they were going. It makes sense that he said 'no' when I asked if I could join them," I reply.

"Glad to see Thor did not knock all the common sense out of Loki! You should have told me, Liv. Odin had to go after them and between you and I, he is not as strong as he used to be. I hope they are all going to be okay! Finish your homework, now," Frigga scolds me, before leaving me with two guards.

I see the Bifrost open, meaning that Odin just left. I try to focus back on my homework but keep glancing nervously towards the Bridge. I just hope my father does not lose his life to Thor's childish and laughable actions. The Bifrost opens again. I see Lady Sif and the Warriors Three walk back on the Rainbow Bridge, but no sign of Thor, Odin, or my father. I stare at the Himinbjorg, hoping to see them walk out, but instead, the Bifrost opens a third time. A few seconds later, I see Odin walk back with only my father. Oh no, did Thor die? I hope not. He is not my favorite person in the Nine Realms, but he is still my uncle.


After what seems like ages, my father slams the door of the room, startling me. I immediately ask:

"Are you all right? Where is Thor?"

"Thor has been cast out by the Allfather. If you ask me, that is all for the better of Asgard. As much as I love your uncle, he was arrogant, reckless, and dangerous. He got what he deserved," he pauses before adding, "I am fine, do not worry about me, princess."

I hug him tightly, whispering:

"Still, I was worried for you. Do you reckon Thor is going to be fine?"

"Sure, do not fret, Liv, he is Asgardian. Midgard is primitive, he will do just fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three want to see me."

I nod and he exits the room. I try my best to get back to my homework and not think about Thor on Midgard. At least it gives him the opportunity to visit a new planet. I wish I could do the same. Once I'm done with my homework, I head back to my chambers and kill some time by reading a book until my father knocks at the door a few hours later:

"Liv, can I come in?"

"Yes, you may," I reply, as he opens the door.

He sits next to me and says:

"Try to remain calm. A lot has happened in the last few hours, and I want to be honest with you about everything. What would you like to hear first, the good, or the bad news?"

"Start with what's bothering you the most," I say, trying my best not to let my anxiety show.

"Well, it turns out that I am not Asgardian. I am Jotun. I was lied to my whole life. I am Laufey's son, and no one deemed important to tell me that I was not wanted. Liv, I am one of the monsters from the stories I used to tell you about when you were a child. And so are you," he pauses and takes a moment to calm down before adding, "well, half of you at least, your mother was Asgardian. I am just another one of Odin's stolen relics, one that he does not see a use for anymore. I am so sorry; you never had a true chance of becoming a princess with me as your father. It was always going to be Thor."

I hug him tightly, tearing up, and reply:

"I never wanted to be a princess anyways, and please do not blame yourself, if there is someone to blame, it is the Allfather."

My father rolls his eyes:

"I tried to blame him, but he was so dramatic he fell into the Odinsleep. That was the second bad news, which leads me to the good one; I am now king of Asgard."

"So, does that mean I need to bow before you every time I see you, now? Because I do not think my back can support me curtsying that often," he laughs:

"I believe I could make an exception for you, but do not tell the others that you are my preferred subject. Now, I think you should go to Mother, she could use your support. She does not want to leave Odin's side."

Following my father's demand, I go find my grandmother. Odin is laying in the center of the room, surrounded by a golden halo, Munin and Hugin looking after him. I stay by Frigga's side for a few hours, until she tells me to go to bed.

The next morning, I go back by her side, bringing her something to eat, and spend the entire day with her, as my father is being kept occupied by his new role. When I got here this morning, my grandmother was reading aloud to Odin and I have now taken over to allow her to eat and rest her voice. I stop reading to the Allfather when I notice ice spreading on the golden doors. Frigga quickly gets up and grabs the sword next to Odin.

"Quick, Liv, hide," she hurries me.

I make myself invisible and move behind one of the columns. The ice spreads all over the room and I know that the Frost Giants are coming for us. Two of them get inside the room and I see my grandmother trying to fight one of them, but the other one throws her on the ground. I try to make myself as silent as possible when I see one of the blue creatures leaning above Odin.

"It's said you can still hear and see what transpires around you. I hope it's true, so that you may know your death came at the hand of Laufey," he says.

Oh. So, that is my grandfather. Charming.

"And your death came by the son of Odin," states Loki, while entering the room and shooting Laufey with Odin's spear, making him fall on the ground. Laufey explodes when my father shoots him a second time. Well, at least I got to see him once.

"Loki, you saved him," exclaims Frigga, while getting up and adding, "Liv, are you all right?"

I make myself visible again and nod, while my grandmother hurries to hug my father.

"I swear to you mother, that they will pay for what they've done today," he promises.

Before either Frigga or me can add anything, Thor bursts in.

"Loki!" he yells.

"Thor!" Frigga calls out. "I knew you'd return to us," she continues before hugging him as well.

Thor does not answer his mother and heads towards Loki, asking:

"Why don't you tell her how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?"

"What?" Frigga questions.

"Why, it must have been enforcing Father's last command," replies Loki, smirking.

"You're a talented liar, Brother. Always have been," Thor accuses him.

"It's good to have you back," Loki responds, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim."

On these words, he shoots Thor with Odin's spear, sending him out of the building, and exits the room, leaving me alone with Frigga and the Allfather.

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