Part III - Iron Man 3

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Part III – Iron Man 3

Midgard, 2012

Only a week has passed since I arrived on Midgard, though it feels like ages. Captain Steve and I have not talked much. He is always busy somewhere, so I am left alone in this boring and tiny apartment. Thor and my grandparents did not deem necessary to pack my schoolbooks, therefore I cannot even study, and I have no idea how the learning system works on this planet. Captain Steve does not allow me to do magic for now and I do not wish to go out in this primitive world I do not know alone. Therefore, I have nothing much to do except for trying to understand what this foldable box does. The Captain gave it to me, saying I could use it to reach him in case of an emergency. He said something about how it would create a line between him and I, but I do not grasp this concept. I really hope there will be no emergency, as I would surely die before reaching Captain Steve. Suddenly, the metal box starts playing music in my hand. Panicking, I randomly tap on the buttons, trying to make it stop, and when it finally does, I hear a voice coming out of it.

"Liv? Can you hear me? It's Steve."

"Captain Steve? Are you trapped in this box?" I yell, so he can hear me clearly.

He laughs:

"You don't need to scream, Liv. I hear you just fine. This 'box' is called a phone, and no, I am not trapped in it. Phones are a way to talk to each other without having to be near each other."

"Oh, I see. So, what is the emergency?"

"There's no emergency, I just wanted to tell you that we're visiting the city tonight, so please be ready in about an hour." 

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