Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Asgard, 2011

As soon as my father and uncle leave, my grandmother takes me back to my chambers, ordering:

"You remain here until I come back to get you. The Bifrost is malfunctioning, I need to get help."

I nod and anxiously pace back and forth in my room until she gets back. I do not understand why Thor was fighting Loki. I know they did not always get along, but I refuse to believe my father actually sent the Destroyer after Thor on Midgard. My father would never do that. I am left alone for what seems to be an eternity, until I hear a slight knock on my door:

"Liv, dear, are you asleep?" I hear my grandmother ask.

"No, you can come in," I reply.

She comes in with Thor, and I immediately know something is wrong.

"Where is my father? Why is he not with you? Did Odin cast him out?" I question.

Thor lets out a sigh as my grandmother sits next to me on my bed.

"Liv, sweetie, your father... How can I tell you this? He chose to let go," tells me Frigga.

"Let go of what?" I ask, confused, beginning to panic.

"Well, he..." tries to explain my grandmother.

Thor interrupts her:

"She is not a child anymore, Mother, and she deserves to know," he turns to me, "the Bifrost Bridge exploded, and as we were falling Odin caught my ankle while I caught the spear to which Loki was holding on. And then, he let go of it and fell into space."

It feels like my heart is being shattered into millions of pieces.

"No, I know my father, he would never let go just like this, not without a good reason."

"I am sorry, Liv," my grandmother begins, "but your father was not who you thought he was. He lied to all of us. He is the one who let the Frost Giants in, and he sent the Destroyer after your uncle to kill him. I am not saying we should hate him; all I am saying is that he also had his faults."

I nod, beginning to be angry at my grandmother. My father died; it is enough. I do not need her to talk about him like this. Thor seems to notice my attitude change as he says, turning to his mother:

"I think you should go see Father."

She nods and leaves, and Thor takes her place next to me:

"I loved my brother. What he did was wrong, but the reasons justifying his actions were understandable. He was only trying to fit in and make Father proud, but Odin never understood that."

"What do you mean?"

He hesitates a few seconds before answering:

"Before letting go of the spear, he told our father that he could've done it, for him, for all of us, and it is only when Father told him 'no', that he decided to let go."

"So, it was not a suicide, my father was murdered, then," I answer, dryly.

"Liv, that is not what I said. Do not twist my words."

I angrily get up from the bed:

"But it was! The one thing my father always wanted was to make the Allfather proud, and I am not saying it justifies what he did, but couldn't Odin wait for Loki to be back on the Bridge before telling him 'no'? Basically, telling him he was a failure and a total disappointment to him!"

Thor sadly shakes his head, gets up and takes me into his arms. I cannot help but to start sobbing into his chest.

"Who do I have left, now?" I ask, "I lost my mother, Odin does not care about me, you are never here, and Frigga has more important things to attend to than me. And now my father is dead."

Thor hugs me a bit tighter and says teasingly:

"Well, for one thing, you are going to be stuck with me from now on, because the Bifrost is destroyed." I laugh slightly as he adds more seriously, "Mother loves spending time with you, and Father does care about you."

"Right, because killing my father is such a great way to make me feel cared about," I reply sarcastically.

Thor stays with me a while longer, trying to make me laugh, and eventually leaves to go see how his parents are doing. I do not know what happened to him on Midgard, but my father was right, Thor deserved to be cast out, but came back better, maybe it was one of the best things that could happen to my uncle. Since no one seems concerned by the fact that my father is dead, I decide to project illusions of my happiest moments with him and end up falling asleep to the sound of his voice for the last time in my life.

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