"Lydia's bag and phone were not the only things found at the scene either," Sebastian announced. All eyes on him, we waited for Sebastian to continue speaking. "I found a black hair in the grass that was too thick for it to be human hair. I went into the Science building to have Professor Shultz take a look at it under the microscope since he was still in his lab. He should be calling me with the results any min−." Just then, Sebastian's phone rang, cutting off his words. We all watched in silence as he talked on the phone. Seeing the look on his face told me the answer was not good news. Hanging up after getting confirmation, Sebastian revealed the news by saying, "I was afraid of this, but Professor Schultz just confirmed it was a gorilla hair." Sarah and I both gasped in astonishment. Looking at each other and Sebastian, we spoke in unison, stating out loud, "Jacob!!" Knowing the three of us were the only ones who currently knew about him, it was time to have that talk with Nicolae and Drogo. After sharing Lydia's past, both my brothers shared in our horror and hate for the guy. Sebastian even announced that it was him who saved her that night in Idaho and that he told her as much when he had her stay after class before she was taken.

All of a sudden, we each heard a gasp coming from the doorway to the living room. Turning around, we all saw Lorie standing there in tears, having heard every word. "Y-You have to get her back!!" she shouted with a shaky, demanding voice. Lorie then ran for the staircase to escape to her room again. Standing up, Drogo said, "I will take care of Lorie. You all decide what we are going to do about Lydia." Nicolae asked, "Sarah, can you locate her?" "I... I don't...," she said, still in a panic. "Sarah, calm your mind. Focus...," Nicolae stated calmly. "Right! Yes, I... I can use a locator spell. I just need something of hers, which I got right here. Do you have a map?" "Yes, in my study. Just one moment." In a flash, Nicolae was gone and then back in the living room again with a map of the area. Placing it on the coffee table, Sarah pulled out a small pendulum from her bag and held it over the map, dangling from her fingertips. With holding Lydia's phone in her other hand, she chanted the words 'Faire à voir là ré' multiple times.

 With holding Lydia's phone in her other hand, she chanted the words 'Faire à voir là ré' multiple times

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After a few minutes had passed, nothing happened. The pendulum never moved, which frustrated me even more. "It didn't work!?!" I yelled. "It means she is not in the general area and must be far away by now," Sarah confirmed with a worried look on her face. "He is obviously very fast," Sebastian suggested. "You may need a map of the continent then, Sarah," Nicolae interjected. "I will need a more powerful locator spell as well. My grandmother's grimoires should have what we need." "Okay, if there is no more you can do at this time, go home and rest for now while you can. We will regroup another time," Nicolae advised. Standing up, he walked Sebastian and Sarah out to the entrance to see them off. I stood alone by the window, looking out beyond the treeline of the forest. (We will find you, Lydia. I promise, we will find you)

A week had gone by since the day she disappeared and there was still no trace of Lydia's whereabouts found. Not knowing if she was dead or alive drove me insane. My guilty conscience was weighing down on me more and more each day. Every passing moment without her left an empty hole within my heart; a void unable to be filled. Playing the piano was of little effect to ease my mind. I even attempted to write, but nothing seemed worthy enough of existing on paper. I couldn't bear the agony growing inside of me much longer, thinking about Lydia's well-being. One evening, I laid on my side against the couch cushions on the floor in the living room in my pajama pants. There were crumpled up sheets of paper all around me. Nicolae came in and looked at me sadly. We were all struggling because none of us knew much background on Jacob, which made the search for her all the more difficult. All we had to go on was his first name, the nature of his shapeshifting ability, what he had done in the past, and what he was capable of doing now. For a brief moment, I imagined Lydia being violated and abused again. The thought frightened and angered me so much that I broke the pencil I was holding without meaning to. I shuttered and tried to push the thought out of my mind as I blinked and shook my head back and forth.

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