Im so angry at myself

This is all my fault!

I messed up and now Becky doesnt remember me and will never love me!

Not controlling my anger, I punched the wall leaving a hole

I've lost everyone who meant a lot to me!

Becky, my friends, and my mom!

Yeah, My mom found out what I did to Becky.

And how I lost my virginity to Taylor.

She walked in one day

If i could, I would take back everything I've ever done since that night this all started

But I cant. The only think I can try to do is make this better

I sat in my bed with more tears

I want her.

No. I need her

Getting up, I ran out and too Becky's house

Tears blurring my vision but I dont care

Reaching her house, I didnt bother to knock

I just ran in and too her room

She wasnt there

Until I heard my name 

""But what I dont understand is,why did you run away from Austin? You knew that he was going to apologize" Someone said


I knew she never lost her memory


"Thank you Mickey." 

I recognize that voice

Its Becky.

She sounded happy.

I smiled until what I heard

"But all of you deserves a proper explanation. To be honest, i wasnt ready to face Austin. He really hurt me. And I knew that I would forgive him right away. He doesnt deserve to be forgiven yet. He has no idea how much it hurts."

A tear slipped out

I've really hurt her.

I wish I could take it all back

I heard her take in a deep breath and continued

"And who knows if he would do this again. Taylor really changed him. I dont think I remember how Austin was like before all this happen. And the worst part is...." 

I was waiting

Tears already came out

There was a silence.

"I dont think he's the Austin I fell in love with all these years...."

I gasped and got out of the door

She turned around and her jaw dropped

"Y-you're in love with me?" I stuttered

So many tears pouring out

I dont know whether to feel happy that shes in love with me or sad because of everything Ive done to her

She closed my eyes and turned away from me

"Go away Austin." She said in a low cracking voice 

I was heartbroken

Going to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and let the tears fall

"I SAID GO AWAY AUSTIN!" She yelled and got out of my arms

She ran downstairs with me chasing her behind

But she was too fast 

I stopped at my tracks and fell

She got away

"AUSTIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Someone yelled at me

My eyes were full of tears

It was Alex

"I JUST LET THE LOVE OF MY LIFE GET AWAY!!" I yelled back at him

I heard gasps

"Y-you love her?"

I nodded

Then a place popped into my head

Shes going to the place we always went when we were hurt

The tree house

And I know exactly what Im going to do.

End of POV

I ran to the tree house

Austin was chasing me but I've lost him

I started sobbing so much 

I cant deal with him now

Right when I was starting to heal, he had to come back into my life

He broke so many promises to me, put me into a coma, called me a jealous bitch, didnt believe me, and changed!

I can never trust him!

I took off the necklace he gave me 

Looking at it, more tears came out

All of a sudden, I heard something


Turning around, I saw him


He looked like a mess.

He was holding a guitar

Then he started playing..

I recognize the tune

He's playing a song.

His eyes filled with tears while singing it

You can hear the sadness in his voice

His eyes filled with pain, anger, and regret

More tears came to my eyes

I love you Austin.

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