Chapter Thirty-Three

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Albedo had always been skeptical at the thought of human relationship, for him- he didn't quite understood it's concept, not until he met her. From the moment he laid his eyes on a pair of bright chartreuse ones, he knew that something would surely change, and he didn't exactly welcomed the fact that he'd end up in a sort of romantic intimacy with the youngest sister of a known tycoon throughout Mondstadt.

It's bothersome, weird, and overall, annoying. How can others call it a bliss? When he himself, have thought of it otherwise based on logic? As what his head tells him to- relationships are mere disturbances, something not worth time and importance. Yet in the end, he ended up finding himself, tied into one.

Cascade Ragnvindr a lass of both mystery and wisdom- had seemed to won his heart over. He recalled their first meeting, the one near the plaza where Miss Alice had introduced him in his behalf in front of the known Ragnvindr Siblings. The way her long locks swayed throughout each wind that carries the prayers and hopes of Mondstadt's citizens; the way her small nose scrunched; the way her chartreuse orbs shone brightly, as she smiled at him from ear to ear- giddy at the fact of meeting someone new. Albeit their first introduction was quite an embarrassing one, knowing how much he stared at her while mumbling things that made her blush and sheepish.

From then on- he'd always let her to pull him around, running as they went to pass by each stalls and shops, while their heels clicked meeting the floors with their clothes billowing behind the two of them, and archon knows how much thankful he is of the lass' choice of clothing (some white shorts, and a skirt that had a ruffled slit from the side as a design), if not- then he'd be too shy to live the next day. . . For short, Albedo respected her as much as he respected his master- Rhinedottir. Although, their time of bond came into a short end and wasn't long-lived, and it was sad when he had to focus more in his work as a Knight, unintentionally neglecting her in the end.

And then came in the feud that happened between the Ragnvindr's and the Ordo Favonious. His teal orbs bear witness at the way she slammed the doors that leads her to the Grandmaster's office, catalyst flowing beside, whilst crystal like tears cascaded down her snow-white flushed cheeks. His heart ached, soles unconsciously stepping forth to grab and embrace her from the misery that she felt, only for him to get halted by another fellow knight who claims that it wasn't a very pleasing time to intervene, and he regretly obeyed so.

After that she went away, and it took a toll on him when his heart would often get anxious of the lass' well-being. He heard that she went to travel, hoping to gain more knowledge in the land of scholars, Sumeru- and it made him frantic, knowing what evil lurks throughout each corners of Teyvat, even if she's capable of defending herself from darkness. . . it's just. . .too nerve-wracking.

When she returned, he was surprised to see how much she have grown. The hair that one's reached her shoulders were now left untied, dangling down to her waist, bright chartreuse optics now screaming with maturity and unknown authority, and her poise- much more elegant and balanced that to that of before. Add the fact the her elemental magic had seem to increase higher that it's previous capacity. However, sadly enough, she came home and changed into the once smiling bright girl into that of a cold-exteriored lass, whose lips are always sealed in a thin line. He had to refrain himself from dropping a few items and missions just to bask and embrace her presence, only to forcefully stop himself when he realized how she glared and ignored his colleagues.

He's one of the knights. . .does that mean that she hated him too? It's most likely understandable, thus made him conclude that he was also a part of the inextinguishable rage and hatred that she harbored to Mondstadt's Ordo Favonious. And much to his utter dismay- his conclusion was only strengthened when the met in one of the city's alleyways.

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