Chapter Twenty-Nine

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'To save him from darkness, in return were wilting cecilias'

A familiar patch of platinum-blonde hair came rushing throughout the cemented pavements of Mondstadt- in tow behind her, was the well-known Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonious- as they both went to flee away from the ash-blonde alchemist who came to chase them.

It was supposed to be a fine morning for the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious. Spending it with a mug of freshly brewed coffee paired with a croissant, whilst sitting near the window-sill of his small cozy home, reading a book that his lover owned. It was serene, and he was happy to be graced by such gift. . . Well, that is until he heard a rather huge explosion from the distance.

He had almost spit his coffee upon hearing such noise, hoisting his body up from comfortableness of his chair, as he slipped his signature attire in haste. Albedo knew that the blast wasn't made by enemies, but instead- he recognized it quite well. He had been looking over a certain child for ages that he had engraved within the depths of his mind, the difference between Klee's explosives from the rest. It has its own unique tune (despite Sucrose claiming that it's still the same as the other) that'd able him from distinguish it from a normal bomb.

Add the fact that he felt traces of an all too familiar element of Dendro from the distance- and that's when he knew. . .that he was in for a cat-and-mouse chase with two equally chaotic girls (though, one may be deceiving enough to be called as prim and proper).

The small cottage where he resides with his lover in this new reality was by chance- near a lake that harbors life. And there's no doubt, that those two were in for some fish-blasting this early in the morning, with the sun just barely taking its place from the blue skies. It turned out that his hypothesis was confirmed, when his feet led him to the nearest lake, only to be greeted with a cheering Ragnvindr and an elf-child who were both caught red handed with the items in their hands.

Klee with her bombs. . .and Cascade with a basket of fish and her floating catalyst at bay.

He was quick to scold the two- yet only been allowed to call their names before they set off running to a certain direction, giggling and laughing as they went, with Cascade teasing him that he's too slow for him to catch them up. That's were it all began, the tiring chase that had the people of Mondstadt in a fit of chuckling laughter, as they watched the three. At some point, the current head of the Ragnvindr family was passing by the area- yet unfortunate enough, and much to his dismay- he was met with a freshly bombed fish on his face, when his sister went to came running by and ahead with Klee, while shouting. . . "We caught a lot so, we decided to give you one! Don't worry, Kaeya was also rewarded with the same treatment!", Before scurrying off.

As much as he wanted to get angry. Diluc himself knew that he would never feel those emotions towards his dearly beloved sister. So instead of lashing out, he merely sighed in defeat- continuing his trek to the tavern in silence with a raw fish in hand. But that doesn't mean that a certain someone wouldn't be grounded for weeks. . .

It took the alchemist a lot of hours before he managed to grab Klee, prompting her to halt while panting as she exclaimed that her brother had won the chase. Shortly after that, Cascade came into view- heaving as she repressed the urge to laugh at how disheveled her significant other was, as of the moment. His already unruly hair, stuck on various directions, sweat dangling from the tips of his locks and from his forehead that came rushing down his cheek and neck. The upper part of his clothes were drenched, whilst his mouth was parted open to allow the air that he was deprived of previously.

It was an all majestic sight, indeed. Although it had her nerves shaking in nervousness when he sent a frown on her way.

"I- that was uncalled for. . . I'm sorry! Please forgive us!", Cascade frantically waved her hands in front of her, laughing awkwardly as she backed a step, when he came forward. Her breath was caught on her throat, chartreuse orbs nestling between the alchemist and the child, who was now preoccupied with some papers and crayons in hand, looking all too exhausted from the exercise that they had just recently indulged themselves into.

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