Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Never do gods die. . ."

Church bells rang in solemnity whilst the entirety of the Land of Freedom mourned over the lost souls during the weeks long onslaught of Durin- and fortunately enough- the dragon was now killed with it's remnants deeply sealed underneath the oceans, sharing the same fate of the bygone gods that Rex Lapis have purged. But this time- it was no God of Geo nor Anemo who did the work, but the newly appointed God of Dendro, who unfortunately died during the plague.

The Dawn Winery- wherein her funeral wake was held, filled with various blossoms and black ribbons, along with denizens and acquaintances who came and sympathized for the eternal slumber of someone so dear. Diluc and Kaeya stood out amongst the crowd, both garbed in black as they stationed themselves on either side of the open-glass case where their beloved youngest sibling currently laid motionless. Focusing their gazes on the seemingly sleeping lass that won't ever wake up.

Her long lashes hid away the vibrancy of her once glittering chartreuse orbs- that have currently gone dull and lifeless; the once glowing porcelain-skin of hers, now came as pale as white; as her once luscious plump pink lips became dry and blue- merely sporting out the color of a red-lipstick to cover the ugliness that was contained within. Yet, nonetheless, the pyro-vision holder deemed her as gorgeous as when she was still lively, running and giggling whilst she traversed on a flower filled field that bloomed at each step she took, whilst he watched her go and twirl around in mirth.

'Crepus. . .dear father. . .I failed to protect her'

The oldest Ragnvindr unconsciously clenched on the bouquet that the owner of Floral Whisper's have handed him recently, frightening the girl who could only pay her respects- bow at him, before scurrying next to Donna. He was lost in thought, mind clogged in various memories of her as she grew up under his care, after their father's untimely demise. Her sweet smile, her shimmery optics, all of whom which he could never dare forget. She's far too precious, no mora could ever compare her value to Diluc for she is none other than his baby sister, the sole family that he once had. . . now gone.

'God Barbatos. . .why have you forsaken her?',

He silently screamed, kneeling down on the ground to properly place the bouquet of fresh cecilias and windwheel asters that Flora have given, while letting his thoughts wander. On the other side, was the knows Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonious , Kaeya Alberich, who have been observing his so-called brother from the sidelines, aware of the fact that the red-head is crumbling as time passed by, and although he finds it amusing, he could only shut his mouth for he was too- experiencing the same thing. The exact same emotion that he felt when he saw the known deceased Crepus Ragnvindr, in the arms of a crying Diluc. This phenomena surely brings back memories- traumatizing and sad ones at that.

After some time of greeting and condolences, the doors to the opened estate started to reveal the members of the Knights of Favonious one by one. First came Noelle and Amber, both holding floras that they took from the wilderness, bathing in sweat as they seem to immediately run from who knows where and into the manor owned by the Ragnvindr's.Seeing his subordinates, Kaeya went to their assistance, ushering them in towards the coffin that was placed in the middle of the room. He also offered them some water, commenting on how they were so winded up and exhausted, only to receive a polite decline from the maid, who claimed that they did it in pure intension, seeing as the demised lass was also one to run into wilderness and give them flowers, despite her obvious detest with the knights. They found it endearing of her, and it's the only thing that they could do as a part of their unending gratitude, now that she was long gone from existence.

Sucrose and Mona- who guiltily traversed her way upfront- came next, offering another bouquet of flowers that were assorted into various hues, with the astrologist, shuddering ever so oftenly underneath the piercing gaze of Diluc. She felt at fault for the events, deeming herself as the root of everything. Her pride was lost when she offered herself as a maid and to serve his family for the rest of her life, as a compensation, even going far as to give him her own vision- much to Diluc's denouncement. She was tearing by then, waiting for the oldest Ragnvindr to say something, and she felt her heart shatter when she was merely shrugged off when he turned around and walked away. Thankfully, Kaeya was aware of the look that his brother have given him, taking his place to tell Mona that Cascade wouldn't ever wanted to make her do as she offered, and that whatever in the past was long forgotten and forgiven by the platinum-blonde haired sibling of his- which ended with the hydro-vision weilder in a crying sobbing mess, as she kept on mumbling apologies again and again, while Sucrose comforted her from the side.

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