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Knowledge is what she craved, and thus knowledge shall she seek. A simple sentence that exactly describes the young lass who is currently seen inside the Mondstadt's library- reading a rather thick book that talks about the archons and the legends of Teyvat.

The lass has always been a regular inside of Lisa's well-kept domain and the librarian is as delighted as ever upon seeing her once again- sitting on one of the chairs with a book hiding her whole visage. It wasn't that hard to recognize her, for the lass was the only one to own a unique platinum shade of blonde.

"A pleasure to see you once again, Cascade", the electro vision holder greeted, granting the lass a smile that was only painfully ignored. Lisa didn't take that at heart tho, knowing fully well that the girl shared the same hatred as her brother towards the knights- which she is currently a part of.

Silence engulfed the whole area, which made Lisa to saunter on her table in an awkward manner. Cascade had never been someone to converse with easily, much like Diluc. Both Ragnvindr siblings were always distant to others, especially them- the members of the Favonious- yet, they were still thankful of the two, for the siblings would also help them at times.

It was only a matter of minutes after Lisa's entrance that the acting grandmaster- Jean Gunnhilder-suddenly slammed the doors open, alarming the two who both occupied the vicinity in the moment.

"Pardon me", she panted, using the door to steady her posture before stepping inside. "H-Have any of you seen Klee?",

"Klee? Isn't she with Albedo?", Lisa asked, definitely worried of the question that Jean had asked her- or in this case- them.

Both green and blue then travelled towards the silhouette of the youngest Ragnvindr, silently asking her the same question that Jean had recently blurted. Tho, much to their utter mortification, Cascade only did shook her head.

"No. Why not ask the alchemist? He should know Klee's whereabouts concerning that- as what Miss Lisa recently stated- she's with him", her eyes share no contact towards them, but the way she hinted concern laced within her soft-spoken words, told them that she is worried as well.

Jean and Lisa once again looked at each other in contemplation, discussing something quietly with the use of their gazes. They have been friends for so long that they can understand the thoughts of each other, something Cascade quite envied at some point.

After a few minutes, Jean was the one to break the silence, quickly whipping her head towards Cascade whose optics are now focused on the pair, with an unreadable expression plastered on her visage. "Klee somewhat disappeared away from Albedo's supervision. She probably got bored when he went to investigate something",

Cascade pursed her lips upon hearing Jean's explanation, which makes sense. Albedo is quite easy to distract, especially when he finds something that interests him. The lass shook her head at the mere thought of the Chief Alchemist, with a faint blush marvelling her face.

Jean noticed this behavior, and it made her smile. Everyone in Mond knew that the Chief Alchemist and the Young Mistress of the winery- were both dating each other. It was quite surprising and questionable at the same time, but they respected their decisions and even supported their relationship.

"I'll go search for Klee. It shouldn't be too hard", Cascade concluded, tapping the wooden desk were the book she had recently read currently rested. "My schedule isn't that packed", she added, humming while mentally rearranging the things that she was tasked to do for the day.

"Are you okay with it, Cascade? We surely need someone to help. We can ask our Honorary Knight, but he is quite. . .busy too", said Jean. She then stepped forward, expressing her gratitude by giving Cascade a smile. "I will surely repay you afterwards. After all, Klee is also a part of my responsibilities",

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