Chapter Ten

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Khaenri'ah knows as the eight and lost land of Teyvat. Cascade spent her whole youth in knowing the truth about it's sudden disappearance. She once asked her late father, Crepus Ragnvindr- about the aforementioned lost part of Teyvat, but to her dismay she can only extract a little information from her old man.

It became her task since then, at the age of seven- she began searching for any possible intel that she might connect the pieces together. She read adamant amount of books, staying up late at night, and she could still remember how Diluc would often watch and join her sleep in her room every twilight just to confirm her rest. After all, she was but a fragile sickly child before.

At the age of nine, she started to grow more ill, but that didn't stop her from uncovering the truth that is hidden within the land. Crepus nor Diluc didn't let her venture out in that case, afraid that she might suddenly be taken away from them by the gods, thus led them to collect the books that she'd want as a compensation for cooping her in the manor.

It was alright. She knew that she is as fragile as glass, and she soon began to understand her older brother and father. After all, they already lost a mother and a wife, and Cascade was never given a chance to at least see her. Her mother died giving birth to her and as thanks she devoted herself on using it accordingly (at some point).

She could faintly recall the time, when she was laying on the her soon to be death bed, breathing shallowly and a bit quicker than before. She remembered having all the moments of her life flash within her mind, and she could still faintly hear her brother's cry for her to hold on. Yet, afterwards all she saw is black, and nothing but the void.

Cascade felt like floating, as she blankly gazed above, reminiscing the times were she could still see the blue and white canvass during the day, and the ebony but filled with splatters of white astra during the night. How she wished to see it again. To see the beauty of the world that she had been living on for nine years. To see the outside of the manor's premises, but all was taken away from her too soon.

Now she remembered seeing a glow of white, and it intrigued her. Was it heaven? Was it Celestia? And thus her curiosity led her on approaching it, only to wake up with Diluc hugging her tightly, and with Crepus who is holding a glowing green orb that only made her eyes widened. A vision that given by the Dendro Archon. That moment she escaped death, and she had never encountered it's gates again.

When she first sauntered throughout Mondstadt, Diluc offering her for a tour. She was more than ecstatic. She get to see the knights, she get to watch Kaeya and his flirting with women who merely shrugged his antics, she get to meet more people and welcome them in her life, and that's where she laid her eyes on him.

He was just sitting on one of the benches that time, scribbling and focused on the pad that he was holding, absentminded at his surroundings until a blonde haired woman approached him, pointing at her and Diluc's direction, to which made their eyes met. As a child born in nobility, Diluc and her acknowledged them, and there she met the woman named Alice, and her student, Albedo, as she recalled. She also met her daughter, who was yet but an infant cradled in her arms, and much to her surprise the baby wasn't given a name yet.

And she was honored to be able to name the child- Klee, a german name that means clover, and luck. That boy, Albedo, and her grew closer by each day, often spending their time reading books, plainly cloud gazing, or her rambling about things whilst Albedo sketched the scenery. There were even times were they both get to babysit the young Klee. It wasn't a hassle, and Cascade find it endearing. After all, she is the youngest in the family and is the most babied and spoiled by everyone in the manor.

When the dispute against the Ordo Favonious and the Ragnvindr's started, Cascade was well raged that she even went far as to barge inside the grandmaster's office, with her catalyst opened, she was bout to hex him if it's not for Jean and Lisa who refrained her from doing so. She remembered crying her tears out at the loss of her father who died in vain despite him saving Mondstadt. Thus the start where she distanced herself with them.

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