Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The familiarity of Mondstadt had never been forgotten by her at all. It was still the same old city wherein she was born and died to protect it from the hands of a malicious beast. Dressed in fine fabrics, she let her heels lead her within, hiding away her face with the help of the purple cloak that the Balladeer have provided her.

Apparently, Scaramouche was tasked by the Tsaritsa to gather the gather some debts and coincidentally enough, they met in the middle of their journey- Cascade was supposed to be going back to Snezhnaya after finishing a mission, until she stumbled unto the sixth, eventually ending up with him as she tagged along.

Eversince her release, both eleventh and sixth of the Fatui Harbingers have brought her to the Land of Everwinter, presenting her to the Tsaritsa who welcomed her with open arms- smiling at her with warmth as if she hadn't been pulling a marionette to cause the downfall of the former archon. She practically scowled, wrath clouding her senses when she moved her hand to attack the ice queen, only to be greeted by a pair of arms wrapped around her with delicate care, as if the owner was afraid that she'd shatter down into pieces.

And she did. . .

She cried herself in the arms of the Tsaritsa, no matter how grossed and disgusted she was for hugging an enemy. Years of pain and solemnity. . .she have long yearned for someone to comfort her, long wanting the sweet feeling of relaxation. The queen of Snezhnaya practically acted as her mother, and with the help of Tartaglia and Scaramouche, she had eased up with the Harbingers.

It wasn't long until the Tsaritsa told her everything, from the roots towards the stem of a soon to be flower of information regarding her plans and whatnots. As someone who owed her life to the one who saved her, Cascade proposed to be allies with the ice queen, totally forgetting of her past grudges and offering her coordination to aid them. And due to her unrivalled prowess as a former archon- she was granted a position as one of the eleven. The ninth, Sandrone or Marionette as what she is often called.

Back to her current state- Cascade treaded down the path to her home country, chartreuse eyes glancing from left to right whilst she reminisced and recalled each memory that she had growing up as a free citizen. Her gaze travelled from a stall, shimmering in amazement at the sight of various floras planted on each pot- their presence beckoned her, and without even realizing it- her hand had found it's way on one flower, a cecilia that glowed upon her touch.

"Hi! Good morning! Are you here to buy flowers?", The child behind the table asked, tending on the sweet flowers at other side of her small shop, smiling widely at her in the process. "If you're having a hard time, I could give you some suggestions!",

"A-ah, no. But thank you for your kind consideration. I am just-- enticed by this cecilia. I haven't seen one in a while", Cascade mumbled, loud enough for the child to hear. Flora made her way beside the possible customer, checking the flower that caught the lass' attention, and in a way somehow made the shop owner smile in a sad way. Small dainty hands lifted the pot with with gentleness, hugging it as if protecting it from harm.

"Cecilias mean a lot to Mondstadt. It symbolizes the heroine who fought and died for our land to retain its freedom", The child explained, earning a hum of acknowledgement from the lass who smiled at the fact that she was the one to risk her life for Mond. Not that she'd reveal that of course.

Both of them caught themselves a conversation regarding flowers and various plants, with Cascade giving tips here and there about tending some greeneries and making them healthy in the most easiest yet knowledgeable way. They were so engrossed with chatting that they failed to notice a running child who was clutching a small stuffed toy in hand, practically bumping into Cascade who fell on the cobbled floor with the impact.

A gasp made its way out of her lips, followed by a groan when her hose hit the ground, it was painful- much more painful than being flipped over by Scaramouche in one of their trainings.

"I'm sorry. Klee is so so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you ma'am!", The child named Klee exclaimed, bowing continuously towards the lass who was aided by Flora into standing up. The cloak that hid away her appearance had now long fallen from its place, revealing a pair of bright chartreuse greens that glowed underneath the sun.

A smile graced her lips, hand reaching out to pat the child on the head, assuring her that it was okay and that she was fine and nothing is damaged. Hearing her voice made Klee look up, eyes widening at the sight of someone whom she had grown close with. This had her rubbing her big doe rubies with her hands, not wanting her eyes to get deceived at the sight of an all too recognizable person.

"Big sister, Cascade? Is that you!?", The child giddily asked, tears stinging her eyes as she went on and hugged the figure who questioningly glanced down at her. How come she knew her name? She never told anyone her name. . . except for her fellow harbingers and the Tsaritsa, herself.

"P-pardon?", Cascade was unsure, mentally panicking and wanting to detach from the child who clung into her like she was life itself. She begged the florist with her eyes, asking her to help and take away the arms that had her pinned on the same spot. And it was as if archon heard her calls, because a minute later- the familiar scent of lavenders engulfed her whole, followed by the weight on her being lifted up.

"Tsk. You can never swat away a bug, could you?", Balladeer sneered, rolling his amethyst optics whilst he crossed his arms, glaring at the child who stood petrified at the sight of a Fatui Harbinger. Big red rubies stared in terror and bewilderment, small tiny hands unconsciously tightening its grip around the toy whom she had been holding eversince her small escapade from Mondstadt's Knights of Favonius.

"Loosen up, Balladeer. You're scaring the poor child", Cascade pouted, adjusting the obsidian ribbon on her left bicep wherein her Dendro vision was attached, smiling afterwards when she glanced down the child who still stood petrified on the spot. "Pardon me for his sour behavior little one. You can go ahead now", she added, ushering her forth.

And it was as if all nerves and cells abided to her command- Klee immediately went and dashed back to the Knight's Quarters, panting and gasping for air, desperate for the assistance of Grandmaster Jean Gunnhildr or her older brother, Chief Alchemist Albedo, and if destiny would allow her to stumble on the traveller and his companion (although this might be futile, knowing that Aether and Paimon are off to Inazuma to continue their journey).

The Crimson Spark Knight practically slammed the doors open, alerting and scaring the living day lights of the Knights on duty and guard- hearing the commotion outside, Jean along with Lisa wasted no time and went straight ahead to see the sudden ruckus, only to shake their heads when they saw a certain destructive child. Yet, what made them worry was the fact that the child was fear stricken, shaking and spaced as she clutched her dodoco.

"Klee? What happened, are you okay? You're so pale", Lisa worryingly inquired, gently placing a hand on top of the child's head while rubbing her back with her other in hopes of coaxing the small knight's tensed shoulders. "Should we call Master Albedo?", the librarian continued, earning herself a nod from the child who was still motionless on the same spot as she was located before.

"And Sir Kaeya too, if he's here",

"Kaeya is out with Eula in a joint mission to Fontaine. It'd take them a while to actually return back", Jean answered, kneeling in front of Klee who bit her lower lip in what seems to be frustration. The eldest opened her lips, about to state a few more words of question towards the child when the main doors opened, revealing the aforementioned Captain of the Investigation Team.

Klee instantly perked up at the sight of her big brother, running from Jean and Lisa and towards him in order to tackle him in a hug. The child then sobbed, gripping his coat as tight as her fists could manage, and with shaky breaths she stated. . .

"B-big Sister Cascade! Klee saw Big sister Cascade! I'm not lying! I saw her with both my eyes. But--", she stopped, whimpering at the thought that entered her mind just a second ago.

"She's with the Fatui",

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