Special Youtuber AU pt.2🎉

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"Xingqiu. . .",

All of them gaped, face-palming at the choice of dare that the navy-haired lad had just thought. Above all, it was Cascade who was really surprised, at the same time, she was thinking if her decisions in life will all lead her to the right path. Majority of it made her successful, yes, there's that- but on the counterpart, there are also those partially bad ones that ended up with mishaps and frustrations.

This dare. . .was obviously one of those bad ideas, knowing fully well that Albedo is busy with work and is currently stressed. Adding more to his already burdened shoulders would do no good, and tonight out of all days would've only make it worse. The live chat was buzzing with anticipation, most of whom are really excited while some were plainly not that delighted, with claims that they don't want their favorite ship to sink like that of Titanic.

"Albedo. . . he's really busy. Don't you think that this would just worsen his already worst day?", Aether anxiously asked, ruffling his hair whilst he let his character die in the hands of Oceanid, his focus was no longer on the game, but on the heir of Feiyun and the heiress of Dawn Winery, who were both silent- minus the fact that Xingqiu was grinning ear to ear at his mischievous plan.

"Can Cascade just have another dare? Xingqiu, you know fully well that Albedo is really stressed out with his illustrations. You should know that because you are his client and you hired him", Chongyun pressed, obviously displeased with his best friend's decision, pausing for a bit when he scooped a spoon full of ice cream from a bowl, before shaking his head. "It's a bad idea",

On the contrary, Cascade had long rubbed her forehead that ached for unknown reasons, sighing as she stared at her phone that rested within hands reach. "I mean. . . I'm quite upset with him. That's a fact. He is busy with wo--",

"He's currently streaming with your brother", Xingqiu intercepted, whistling innocently that made Aether choke on the orange juice that he was currently drinking in surprise. He almost spit it out, fortunately he prevented it by immediately running to his bathroom that was just really near to his station.

"He what?", Bennett asked, wanting to confirm what he had just heard, and just as said, Xingqiu repeated the intel- that Albedo is currently streaming with Cascade's brother, presumably Kaeya and some others. At some point, Barbara also claimed that her older sister, Jean; was also streaming as of lately, and tonight was no exception, which had Cascade quirking her brow at the new discovery.

"The Knights of Favonious, huh. . . We'll see. Wait for a minute", she stalled out for a second, her camera still connected to her own PC. Aether dreadfully shook his head at this, as well as Chongyun. Barbara and Bennett remained silent, continuing their tasks in Genshin Impact, whilst they thought of the worst case that would probably occur any second from now. Xingqiu was another case, because he kept on giggling, much to his housemate's disappointment.

Cascade came marching down the hall and towards her big brother Kaeya's room, wasting no second in knocking and inviting herself in without waiting for any words of confirmation from the lad who now sat on his gaming chair. He craned his neck to glance at his visitor, smiling coyly when she went to check his book shelf that was awfully near his computer station.

"Fancy seeing you here, Caden. May I help you?",

"Stop with that nickname, seriously. . .Can I borrow that book?", Her eyes travelled from the shelf and towards her brother, her index pointing on the spine of a hardcover book that she randomly chose. Kaeya cocked his brow at this, standing up from his chair in order to take it from the highest shelf, and whilst doing so- Cascade's eyes were quick to scan the names and icons that were on the side, and believe it or not. . .

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