Chapter Fourteen

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It was three days after the arson-bonding that both Klee and Cascade thoroughly enjoyed. They laughed and cheered at every single bomb that the Spark Knight would throw in duet with some dendro element bursts and skills, that certainly made a huge damage on Stormterror's Lair.

Though, much to Albedo's relief, the lass made her words true, by repairing the damaged greenery in the area. Basically, they spent the whole day with only the three of them, and when they separated ways, Kaeya could only teasingly compliment that alchemist who returned to their quarters with his hair sticking up on different directions, and all stressed out while carrying a sleeping Klee.

It was all fun nonetheless, except for that part where Cascade asked him to join their shenanigans. He was forced to, of course, with the use of Klee's pleading eyes, combined with the platinum-blonde's continuous pestering. In the end, he gave up, saving himself from having his ears bleed due to the lass' surprisingly annoying (yet cute) banters.

Currently, the youngest and oldest Ragnvindr sat in front of each other, both having a fair share of silence as they basked in the serenity with each subtle sip of tea, inside the comfort of their abode. Surprisingly, Kaeya didn't joined them, claiming that he had yet finished his paperwork, to which both Ragnvindr siblings deemed understandable.

She inwardly sighed in a calm manner, letting her eyes wander throughout each text that she'd encounter in every paragraph. Only the sound of china scraping gently, papers being flipped to each chapters, and their soft breathing were heard, nothing more, nothing less. Well, that is until a maid came rushing to their direction, panting and horrified at something that she had just saw.

"M-Master Diluc! There are some Abyss Mages nearby, and the knights couldn't handle them",

Diluc obviously scoffed, muttering some words whom Cascade was able to make out. "Knights of Favonious still insufficient until now", before standing and walking away, probably to eliminate the danger that lurks around the Winery that can cause havoc in their abode if not minded. As for Cascade, she just continued to read her book, only halting when a sudden surge of pain came shooting throughout her head.

Her book fell with a clutter, as she staggered on her seat, her head almost bumping on the edge of the table when she tried to reach for the fallen object. Her vision reacted, glowing much more brightly than usual, and just like that it unnoticeably cracked, whom which Cascade was unaware of.

Thankfully, the pain had subsided, to which made her sigh in relief, but it did made her wonder. How come she would suddenly have a headache out of no where? Due to her curious nature, Cascade hastily stood up from her seat, bending down to pick up the book before alerting the servants to inform Diluc of her sudden disappearance when he returns, and they obliged almost instantly.

She ran up to her room, heels clicking on each step that she took. The hems of her dress and sleeves billowed at her pursuit, only halting herself when she reached the comfort of her chambers. Without wasting any second, Cascade took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she let the same green glow emit from below, whilst she let her body disperse in neon leaves and flowers.

The marbled floors of Sumeru Academia's main office started to combust in chartreuse, alerting the sole person inside which none other that the scholar, Cyno, himself. He didn't heed any attention towards the phenomena, thinking that it was that pesky little guardian who keeps on bothering him daily. However, he surprisingly dropped his quill, when an all too familiar silvery voice called upon his name.

"Cyno. . .",

"You goddamn doofus! You dare saunter within these walls after what you've schemed?!", The scholar exclaimed, summoning his polearm in hand as he went to launch an attack, but instead of dodging it, the Dendro user just remained standing, anticipating the wrath of her student. She calmly waited for the impact to come burn and slice a part of her, but it never did- instead, the polearm wielder ceased his actions, when the sharp end of his spear barely grazed her neck.

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