Chapter One

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The next morning. Cascade wasn't seen in her usual spot in the library, but it was expected concerning the events yesterday. As per her request, Klee wasn't grounded to stay in the confinement room, which made the child happy.

It was the same busy day like the previous ones. But this time, Cascade wasn't near the walls of Mondstadt. Instead, she is currently staying within their household- with a cup of tea in hand.

When she woke up earlier, Diluc made a huge effort in scolding her. Reminding her about the do's and don't that they both agreed upon. Cascade knew that she violated some rules in that agreement, thus she wholeheartedly accepted the punishment that Diluc have in mind.

He grounded her for three days straight, as compensation for her acts. It was acceptable, and Cascade held no grudge against Diluc for that. Three days isn't that long, and besides- she has some books inside her room that she could read, as well as plants to tend that won't bore her.


Cascade sighed for the umpteenth time that hour, while she stared at the cup of tea that Adelinde served her. The plants in the winery were all in tip-top shape, and is in no need to be tended- unfortunately. As per the books. She wasn't allowed to carry heavy things for the day, and those that she owned are thick and heavy ones that not even Adelinde can carry down stairs. For short, she had nothing to do, but to stare at the cup in her hands.

She had no one to talk to, for the maids were too busy during the mornings. She could only hope that maybe one or two would be able to join her but no- they were all packed with errands. Diluc must've planned everything all along. Clever he is, indeed.

Her lips touched the rim of the cup, sipping a subtle amount of it's contents. Her gaze were focused on the healthy cecilias inside a white vase.

The lass made a glance towards the direction of the clock, mentally crying at the current time. It was nearing noon, and during these hours, she would've probably been on her way to deliver Albedo's lunch. Her frown deepened much more, remembering how the alchemist just ignored the lunch that she brought him the other day- and probably the rest of the food that she'd been bringing him eversince they dated.

How'd she know?

She once heard Timaeus- a student of her significant other- gossiping with a fellow knight, and it involves a certain topic about the food that Albedo would offer him every single day. It made her upset, and it pained her. Nonetheless, she still continued to deliver him food, not wanting him to starve. And perhaps, hoping that he might spare a minute to taste what she'd prepared him.

"Young miss, I've prepared the lunch that you ordered us to make, and immediately sent one of Master Diluc's men to deliver it in Mond", a maid stated, whilst serving the lass a new batch of biscuits and freshly made grape juice.

"Pardon me from bothering you. I should be the one to make and deliver his lunch, but given my current situation. . .", Cascade sighed, setting down the cup of unfinished tea on the table, wincing for a bit. The wound on her shoulder hasn't yet healed, and it may take a couple of days to completely recover.

"It's alright. We work under yours and Master Diluc's orders, it's only appropriate for us to follow whatever you've tasked us", the maid replied, earning a nod from the the youngest Ragnvindr. "If you need anything, just please ring the bell, and we'll come straight to your aid. If you may excuse me",

Her gaze landed on the golden bell that was placed on the table in front of her. One ring and a maid would surely be standing beside her within a minute or two. She pursed her lips at the thought. The maids tend to baby her whenever she's injured, even if it's just a single wound. It's not like she's dying. Sometimes, they're getting overboard.

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