Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Pardon me but can you please repeat that. . .?", There was a twinge of bewilderment laced within each word that he uttered within a second or two. This made her sigh, leaning on his chair with eyes that penetrated his psyche. Chartreuse, the color of nature- calm yet filled with knowledge beyond reach of mortals and those who yielded the blessings of a god.

She remained silent on her seat, watching him as he tensed when she lifted her pointer to poke him in the forehead. At first, nothing happened but it wasn't long until a flash of green surrounded his entire being, and with that he vanished within the deepest and clouded parts of his memory lane, seeing tons of events and scenarios that were all erased from him, when the young archon casted a spell to those who were all connected to her.

Her eyes watched him with devoid of any emotions, glowing a bit brighter than it's natural color. The greens that were on her body (eyes, hair, ribbons and accessories) lighted up accordingly to that of her gnosis, her vision now shattering into pieces and disappearing into thin air. She doesn't need it, now that her top-most scholar is fully aware of who she really was. Though, if the time comes where she would highly need it again, then she'd just make herself a new or fake one. It all depends on the situation.

"I accept your anger and I blame myself for the fault is entirely mine alone. You're probably in a state of bewilderment as of now, and it'll pass not now but soon", Cascade assured, unleashing her powers to teleport the two of them away from the premises of the Academy, reappearing once again inside a stone looking temple that were all filled with dead greenery. Yet, upon landing gracefully on the cobblestoned grounds, all lifeless were then reborn- a unique trait that she owned, the moment she accepted and completely tied herself in this position.

It was supposed to be a secret, but she is willing to reveal it to her trusty student. Apparently, only the Goddess of War as well as The Immortal Shogun, along with her own self- knew that the (before Cascade) Dendro Archon was slaughtered and long dead. Hence the saltiness of Baal to the youngest reigning God, blaming her for the demise of her sole friend throughout the centuries. It was understandable nonetheless, especially since the murder was yet solved. The former archon died in his slumber, and at that time- he gave Cascade the real gnosis and kept in a copy.

She believes that the Tsaritsa must've gone and woke him up, and that was the time when her body was reacting so weird, as if she was dying by coughing out blood, feeling jolts of headaches and pain, passing out afterwards. It was all due to the gnosis within her that was all but connected to the former, before he was murdered. Her vision cracked due to the amount of power that it can't withstand, and the green electricity that surged throughout her body was the excess that her vision failed to contain.

When she made a fool of herself in front of everyone, when she had just almost injured that astrologist, when she vomited way too many crimson liquids. . .was the time where the former exactly died. About the Khaenri'ah part- unfortunately, Cascade have yet pieced together the puzzles, but she had her hypothesis in mind. Dainsleif, that blonde who "supposedly" tortured her and Cyno, wasn't exactly the real one, but a decoy. How'd she know? Simple, she went to a journey back to Khaenri'ah, and she met the real harmless Dainsleif, who happens to know her older brother- Kaeya Alberich. He showed no ill intentions, nor did he advanced during her bafflement, yet he did asked her for mora in return for answering her queries. And being the youngest sister of a tycoon, she immediately obliged on their agreement. . .and she learned everything.

Mora in exchange for knowledge, wasn't quite bad at all.

After all these time, Cascade was foolishly wrapped around the Tsaritsa's finger, and it's indeed a shame. Oh, that snow queen was really intelligent, and she might've underestimated her at some point. But now that her memories are slipping away from her grasp, Cascade made sure to at least seal all the information and knowledge that Dainsleif provided, placing it on top priority than anything else. Thus, led her to return Cyno's forgotten memories, as well as some snippets of her past as the daughter of Crepus Ragnvindr, from her birth, until she grew up (minus the archon level information that she solely kept to herself)- in case she suffers grave amnesia and forget her whole being. In fact, it was slowly happening.

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