Chapter Nine

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The bars opened, awaking Cyno up. He grunted when he felt his whole body aching, and spat out the metallic taste that came from his mouth. Those bastards, once he get rid of the chains, he'll surely beat them to a pulp or even going far as taking the living daylights from those monstrous beings.

A sound of something being thrown made his senses alert, and when his eyes adjusted at the dim lighting that a candle provided, he was mortified to see her all bloodied up and unconscious. As quick as possible, he stood up, running towards the figure and cradling her frail body within his arms. He leaned down to check if she's still breathing, and thank The Seven because he could still hear some faint sounds of air escaping from her mouth.

"What did they do?", He asked, to no one in particular, as he sought for any severe injuries, and his breathing hitched when he saw some wounds that looked deeper from the one that he saw before. With his quick reflexes, he immediately laid her down, proceeding to tear a few fabrics from his cloak just to wrap on the oozing cut.

He gritted his teeth, as his hands frantically tied a wound with a lot of pressure, and he cursed, afraid of what may happen next.

Sooner, her eyes fluttered open, revealing the familiar hues of chartreuse. She shifted a bit, whimpering when pain shot through every inch of her body. This alerted the scholar, to which he scolded her to just stay put and rest until she'd recover.

"Don't force yourself. Seriously, why do you have to be so hard headed?", He glared at her, adjusting her head on his lap as he sat with his legs crossed. This earned him a faint giggle, followed by a sigh, to which he quirked his left brow at. "Don't tell me that you've gone crazy?",

"Oh, no. Not of course, why'd you say that?", She whispered, her tone lacing that of playfulness, and he grumbled at it. This girl. She is clearly injured, yet here she is- giggling as if nothing happened at all, as if her body wasn't even battered with scratches, bruises, and wounds.

"You're weird", He commented, now refusing to meet her gaze.

"I get that compliment a lot. Thank you!", She chirped, before silencing herself, as if deep in thought. Cascade craned her neck, watching Cyno intently. He seems to notice this tho, because after a few second of her, eyeing him, he turned to face her while asking her. "What?",

"Do you wish to go back?", Cascade suddenly asked, forcing her body to sit up despite the aching feeling that she would often feel whenever she moved a joint or two. When she is finally kneeling down, her hands reached to cup his cheeks, gently forcing him to face her. "I repeat. Do you wish to go back?",

"I do", he answered immediately. "I do wish to go back, but I can't just leave you here", he took off her hands from his cheeks, lowering them to her lap, before glaring at her. "You have a lover idiot. Don't just display affection towards others",

"I know that. But as your teacher and friend, I think I only have the right to do so", She replied, closing her eyes and reopening it after she inhaled a breath or two. Cascade then gave him a warm smile, something that eased everyone who get to see such comforting curve.

Silence engulfed the whole area, and it was deafening. Their breaths, and the faint sound of shackles were the only things that they heard during the span of ten minutes. When time passed by, Cascade stood up, facing the bars, and checking if anyone was nearby.

"Close your eyes, Cyno", she mumbled, frowning at something that came across her mind. The lad was baffled at this, and he chose not to. His insides were doing flips, as if telling him to not follow whatever orders that she had in hand now. "Close your eyes",

"Why?", He croaked, scrutinizing her form, searching for answers that might relieve him. However, it only surprised him when the ground below him glowed, and as quick as thunder he whipped his head to face her smiling figure. "W-what are you doing?!",

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