Chapter 33: The In-Between

Start from the beginning

        Before they could say anything else, you sink back into the darkness.

        People were talking. Two different voices warped together. Almost as if they were underwater. You heard noise but not words. It took a while to focus before their voices came to a clear. 

        "Madam Pomfrey says it might take her a few days before she wakes up again," Remus sighs, raking his hair in frustration as he struggles to keep his composure from slamming his fist through the wall. "Whatever Snape made her drink was really strong."

        Remus could be heard swallowing his anger, desperately trying to keep his composure for the sake of you. He was able to slowly drift away from his morbid thoughts after Sirius gave him a soothing cup of tea with a few pieces of chocolate on the side. But, as much as he wanted to find Snape, make him regret ever being born, and convince him that death was a better escape, Remus remained seated by your bedside, standing his ground and refusing to abandon you for even a second.

        "At least she looks better than the last time," Marlene chimes in on the other side of the bed, feeling the soft reassuring press of her hand on yours.

        "Where's Lily? Thought she'd be visiting with you?" Remus wonders out loud.

        "She's outside. Saw James around the corner when I entered. Probably wasting his efforts in trying to calm her down." She shakes her head. "She's furious, even broke a vial for squeezing too hard when she heard what happened. Luckily, she didn't hurt herself," she pauses, wondering as she casually looks over the Hospital Wing, almost hesitant to ask without sounding desperate. "Where's Sirius?"

        Remus shrugs, letting out a strained breath. "Said he needed a smoke before he decides whether or not to push Snape off the Astronomy Tower. Peter's with him though, to keep him in check."

        Marlene nods in understanding. After a silent moment, she starts, "What're you guys going to do? This wasn't some petty attempt in rivalry after what you guys did to Snape by the lake. He actually went through the trouble of poisoning her. And what he did to her—I can only imagine," she trails off, her voice suddenly trembling at the thought of you under his unwanted touch. "We have to report him to Professor McGonagall, Slughorn or even Dumbledore. He just can't get away with it."

        "I'd hunt him down and rip him to shreds first before sending him up to the Headmaster. But you're right, we should tell someone," Remus agrees, although there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice that made your stomach churn. "But as much as I want to see him bloodied up again and be punished for what he's done, whatever happens next, it has to be her decision to make."

        What did you want to do? Were you capable enough to let it go? Did you want justice and see that Severus gets expelled? You mentally kicked yourself, having to even question what you wanted. The right thing to do was to report him, to tell someone, but how far would it go? All you can do is trace the cup he laced back to him, assuming it hasn't already been cleaned, what then? Would the professors stand against the harassment that had gone under the noses? Sirius and Remus arrived only after it had happened.

        The onslaught of different possibilities that flooded your mind began to make your head spin. You were beginning to lose focus. Before you could form another thought, you were pulled under once more.

        "This wouldn't have happened if I'd just gone with her," Remus whispers, feeling the warmth of his lips drift away from your forehead. "I can't bear to see her like this."

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