Chapter 31: Breaking The Unbroken

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With the carrier grounded and no way for the cabal to actually escape, Taiki, Spe-7 and Suzuka quickly move to board said carrier to find Thumos. Most of the attacking forces are too distracted by the local Fallen to even be able to focus on the guardian trio, allowing for easy boarding.

"Ghost? What did you do?" Taiki asks. "The Fallen don't usually come in such huge numbers like this."

"I may or may not have forged a message in Devil dialect." Ghost replies.

"So you got the cabal and the Fallen to fight each other?" Taiki asks. "Nice."

"And we're in the carrier!" Spe-7 says. "Zavala! What's up next?"

"Now that you're inside, go after Thumos. He has the key codes to his ship, so once you kill him, take the codes and get his ship." Zavala replies.

"Watch out for his blood guard while you're at it. I'd say be careful but the last team I sent... It didn't help them that much." Hawthorne says. "When you find Thumos, break him." And with that Spe-7 speeds ahead much to Taiki's surprise.

"Spe! What are you doing?!" Taiki shouts.

"I'm gonna find Thumos!" Spe-7 shouts back, but she's immediately cut off by a wild shot from a thresher. The explosion sends her flying several feet into the air and she doesn't hit the ground for a good few seconds much to Suzuka's horror.

"SPE-CHAN!" Suzuka screams out as Twinkle emerges.

"Give me a little bit! She'll be back!" Twinkle calls out as Spe-7 is revived just a few seconds later.

"Whoa! What the?! Who shot me?!" Spe-7 asks as she's returned to the battlefield, but then she sees Suzuka firing away at the thresher that killed her.

"This one's for Spe-chan you big hunk of scrap metal!" Suzuka shouts as she first blasts off the turret on the thresher before knocking out it's engines, causing it to come crashing down on a group of unfrtunate phalanxes.

"All right, I think that took care of those that found us, now let's get in!" Taiki calls out as the trio boards the carrier.

"Where do we even begin?" Spe-7 asks.

"I think the bridge is above us. Let's try and get there so we can get the schematics to the ship." Taiki replies as the trio fight their way there, plowing through cabal offensives along the way. With the way to the bridge blocked by a pair of blood guard legionaries Spe-7 has Taiki distract them while she aims with her rocket launcher.

"Hey! Bulkheads! Over here!" Taiki taunts as he goads the blood guard to go after him. As soon as they get close Spe-7 fires a rocket, sending them flying, and Suzuka dashes towards the bridge, smacking an unwary centurion in the back with one of her grenades and dashing again to let it explode.

"Fang, quickly, before more cabal take notice." Suzuka says as Fang emerges to perform the scan.

"Got it!" Fang calls out. "I know where Thumos might be!"

"Where is he?" Taiki asks.

"He's probably lounging around the hangar." Fang replies.

"Then let's make our way there." Taiki says. "Wonder how long it'll take for Thumos to realize that we're after him." As the three fight their way through the carrier to try and get to the hangar where the elite might be though, it seems that they might have been realized sooner than the exo had thought.

"We've got interceptors incoming!" Suzuka calls out as she tries to take down the pilots. "We can't go through here... We would be surely blown to bits."

"I found a way!" Taiki says as he blasts open a large vent, allowing for quick and easy access to the other side of what would surely be a dead zone. When they exit the vent though they're met with a pair of goliath tanks and a trio of interceptors. "Um... We could use some fire support here!"

"Someone call for fire support?" Amanda calls out as a gunship bearing the vanguard colors emerges and begins raining down hell on the attacking cabal. "That'll keep them busy!"

"Nice! Keep them at bay! We'll reach Thumos soon enough!" Taiki shouts as he, Spe-7 and Suzuka quickly rush through the battlefield without so much as a scratch.

"All right, kick his ass for us!" Amanda calls out as the trio reaches the other side of the battlefield and they find themselves in some sort of control room. There they encounter a squadron of blood guards, and just behind the formation is none other than their commander, a golden centurion who dual wields slug rifles and sports a powerful jet pack- Thumos.

"And this is the guy we have to kill... Fun..." Taiki mumbles as Thumos proceeds to take to the air, leaving his blood guard bodyguards to deal with the trio.

"We've had to kill enough cabal, and I don't want to waste my time!" Spe-7 says as she unleashes her solar energy and nails two of the four blood guards with flaming horseshoes, blasting their helmets off and sending oil all over the place. As soon as it lands on Thumos and the other two guards they realize that two of their comrades were just killed and they instantly charge, eyes glowing and blades ready.

"Suzuka! Now!" Taiki shouts as he unleashes his arc energy while Suzuka unleashes her void energy. The trio of cabal is scattered by Suzuka's void charged hurricane kick, and they get fried silly by Taiki's arc charged punches and rams. The key codes go flying and Spe-7 is quick to catch them before they shatter on the ground.

"Got the codes!" Spe-7 calls out as Thumos' dead body slumps to the ground.

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