Chapter 12: Power Fantasy

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"It looks like you two have unlocked your other two energies from that burst of light! You should be able to switch between all three freely now!" Ghost says to Twinkle and Fang as wells of light begin popping up.

"And here come the Fallen!" Taiki shouts. "Let's light them up! Ghost, switch my energy to solar!"

"Roger that!" Ghost replies just as confidently as Taiki feels solar energy burn within him. A large group of Fallen emerge but before Taiki can do anything Spe-7 unleashes the full force of her solar energy as she leaps high into the air and somersaults before coming crashing down with a powerful kick, creating a fiery wave that incinerates any Fallen around her before wildly throwing kicks. As she throws them, flaming horseshoes fly out like a hunter's golden gun before she exhausts her energy. More Fallen emerge, having heard the cries of their fellow brethren, and they look at the trio with murder in their eyes.

"My turn!" Suzuka shouts as she lets loose a torrent of void energy and begins spinning like a tornado!

"Whoa..." Taiki says in awe as Suzuka performs a mighty hurricane kick and releases a large wave of void energy that vaporizes the Fallen that she kicks and any ones nearby.

"Incoming!" Suzuka shouts as an even bigger group of Fallen emerge- unlike the others there are many servitors and captains in this group. "What are those things?!"

"Servitors! Machines that the Fallen built to supply themselves, and they also pack a mean punch." Taiki replies. "But they won't last long against flaming hammers!" He shouts as he channels all of his solar energy into a powerful throwing hammer and begins lobbing one after another at the group of Fallen and Suzuka and Spe-7 recharge themselves in a well of light while it happens.

"Wow... That's so cool!" Spe-7 says as she watches Taiki throw hammer after hammer at the captains, blowing them up upon impact. "Suzuka, let's switch up our energy!"

"Let's try it out! Fang, switch my energy to solar!" Suzuka calls out.

"Twinkle, give me void energy!" Spe-7 commands, and their ghosts reply accordingly as they basically swap out their energies- just in time as Taiki exhausts his energy and finds himself surrounded by Fallen.

"A little help here?!" Taiki calls out as the vandals surrounding him begin ganging up and battering him. No less than twenty fists come down on him every second and his shields are about to break when he hears the girls explode with energy at the same time.

"Take THIS you creeps!" Spe-7 screams as she charges in and begins wildly throwing her kicks- with every Fallen she hits an explosion of void energy vaporizes those she hits and anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby while Suzuka finds another group and she almost looks like she's hovering as she begins throwing multiple kicks at everyone her legs can reach, eventually focusing all of them on one single unfortunate enemy as it explodes in a big ball of fire. It's not long before the last of the Fallen in the area are dealt with and any stragglers retreat, not wanting a taste of their newly regained light.

"That was awesome!" Taiki says, clapping his hands.

"Thanks!" Spe-7 replies. "Although I think I'll just stick with solar energy."

"I'll just stick with Void, I think that fits me better." Suzuka says as their ghosts revert their energy back.

"Me? I'll always use arc." Taiki chuckles as Ghost switches him back to said energy. "Let's see if these guys dropped anything..." And as luck would have it, all of the Fallen that they had slaughtered had dropped multiple engrams for them to pick up. "All right, time to find out just what these guys are carrying."

"I'm hoping there's replacements for our armor in here..." Spe-7 mumbles as she opens up various engrams. Much to their surprise Suzuka and Spe-7 find armor tailored to them among the many engrams, and it's quickly put on by their ghosts.

"Every day these girls continue to surprise me." Ghost says. "There's even armor like the ones I first made for them in there..."

"I'm just hoping there are better guns than these- or at least something heavy duty in one of them." Taiki replies as he opens up an engram and finds a sword. "Huh."

"This armor looks nice." Suzuka says.

"Now that we have our light back, let's get back to Hawthorne." And with that the three leave the forest where they're bombarded with messages from Hawthorne.

"Are any of you there?! Speak to me!" Hawthorne cries out through Ghost.

"It's okay, we're here, and we have our light back." Ghost replies.

"Well at least you got what you needed, now head on back." Hawthorne says. "There's someone there that wants to meet you."

"Really? Do I know them at all?" Taiki asks.

"No, not really, but he knows you." Hawthorne chuckles. "Quickly now, before the Fallen regain their guts."

Destiny 2: Putting "Horse" Into "Horsepower"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant