Chapter 6: Warsat Down

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"All right Zavala, we're flying above the cosmodrome, can you give me the rundown of what we need to do down there?" Taiki-9 asks through Ghost.

"A series of warsats have been coming down out of the blue in the cosmodrome as of lately. We have no idea of who's bringing them down but the ones that have crashed down have been scavenged by the Fallen. We need you to start intercepting these crews and take these warsats to find out what's been bringing them down." Zavala's voice crackles.

"Roger that." Taiki replies.

"Any idea where they might be coming down?" Suzuka asks.

"I can't pinpoint a general location, they come down wherever they come down." Zavala replies. "You'll have to be on your toes... Or on your hooves in your case."

"Please, no need to make that so different for us." Suzuka softly giggles. "We're coming down, Suzuka out."

"Good luck guardians." Zavala says. "May the light be with you." And with that the trio are teleported down into the cosmodrome where they immediately whip out their weapons. It's then that Spe-7 notices that Taiki and Suzuka have swords, and she looks at them with surprise.

"Wait... Why do you two have swords?" Spe-7 asks.

"Because they can do THIS!" Taiki shouts as a captain rushes towards him and he proceeds to decapitate the captain, not even bothering with the fact that he had a shield. "Swords are pretty powerful in close quarters, you've just got a long range solution." That's when the trio begin hearing a strange noise and they look up. "...You hear that?"

"Yeah I do hear that." Suzuka mumbles as she tries to find out where the noise is coming from. She's interrupted by Taiki pushing her and Spe-7 out of the way- for good reason as a warsat comes crashing down and crushes Taiki underneath it.

"OH MY GOD!" Spe-7 shouts.

"Oh dear..." Ghost mumbles as he materializes.

"How can you be saying that?! Your guardian just got crushed by that warsat!" Spe-7 continues to yell manically.

"It's okay! We ghosts are here for a reason- it allows you guys to come back from situations like these." Ghost replies, trying to calm down Spe-7. He only succeeds when he manages to revive Taiki and he spawns just a few feet away from the warsat.

"Goddammit!" Taiki grumbles. "Always dropping where I least expect them to drop!"

"Are you okay?!" Spe-7 asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. Nothing that won't permanently kill me. As long as we aren't in an area of darkness we'll be fine." Taiki replies.

"Wait what?" Spe-7 asks again.

"Areas of darkness, where our ghosts can't revive us because the darkness literally suffocates the light. They can still heal us but until the area of darkness is purged, we ain't coming back from a fatal blow in them." Taiki explains. "All that aside, let's go ahead and scan this thing. It's undoubtedly going to attract the Fallen to our location but that's what we have our guns for." And with that Spe-7 sends out Twinkle to scan the warsat.

"Uploading information to the vanguard now. Keep the Fallen busy while I do this." Twinkle says as a skiff uncloaks.

"Speak of the devil!" Taiki shouts. "Watch out for the cannons!" He calls out as the skiff begins opening fire. Suzuka and Taiki immediately guard with their swords, taking the brunt of the blasts while a servitor and a bunch of shanks descends from the skiff. As soon as the skiff leaves, Spe-7 readies her rocket launcher.

"Fire in the hole!" Spe-7 yells as she fires a rocket, taking out the servitor in one blow and leaving the shanks vulnerable.

"I wouldn't waste our blade on them, just punch or kick 'em." Taiki says as he and Suzuka begin trashing the shanks. Another skiff is about to uncloak when Twinkle returns to Spe-7 and she quickly reports.

"Information has been sent to the vanguard but it's not enough data, we need to find one more." Twinkle says, but fate seems to be at the ready as another warsat comes crashing down in a different location and the skiff starts heading towards it.

"Quickly! Before they can tear it apart!" Taiki shouts, and Suzuka immediately dashes forward, using her enhanced speed to reach the warsat before the skiff can drop it's units. The captain that hangs above can only look in pure shock as Suzuka begins dicing up the dregs that do land and the skiff begins firing on her. Spe-7 and Taiki quickly follow behind as Suzuka sends out Fang and more skiffs emerge.

"Uh oh... Whatever we did must have really pissed them off!" Suzuka says. "Look out!"

"I got this!" Spe-7 shouts as she leaps into the air and performs a powerful arc charged dive kick, scattering the Fallen that land before kicking the remainder into oblivion. With the last of the Fallen either fried into ashes or zapped silly Fang finishes uploading the information in the warsat to the vanguard before returning to Suzuka.

"All right, everything's been properly uploaded." Fang says as Taiki and Spe-7 meet up with Suzuka.

"So, what do we do now?" Spe-7 asks.

"Well we gave them the information that we needed, so now we-" Suddenly Taiki catches a glimpse of something red as it vanishes into the clouds. "What the hell was that?"

"What was what?" Suzuka asks.

"I dunno what that was. Zavala, come in." Taiki says, but Ghost is not getting anything on the other line.

"I'm not getting anything, even on the emergency feeds." Ghost replies. "Should we head back to the Tower and see what's going on?"

"If you're not getting anything from them, I don't think that's a good thing." Taiki says. "Come on, let's head back."

Destiny 2: Putting "Horse" Into "Horsepower"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon