Chapter 14: No Signal

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"Taiki, welcome back." Devrim says as Taiki heads into the church to await further orders. Thanks to Suzuka and Spe-7 being much faster than he is they have already reached the old sniper before he did, and three cups of empty tea sit around. "I made some tea for you but your two equine friends seem to have beat you there."

"Eh, not a big tea person anyway." Taiki chuckles. "So, you called us back here, whatcha need?"

"Well, we're trying to get stuff functional but we've run into a problem... Something with the beacon." Devrim replies.

"Yeah, apparently I can't get enough of a signal to contact anyone outside of the dead zone." Hawthorne explains.

"We need to get her a booster." Devrim says. "I gave it to ginger girl over here but even then you'll have to fight through a lot of Fallen to get it to her."

"I'm up in the mountain just above the salt mines." Hawthorne replies. "But for some reason I can't get that signal out there. Watch yourselves out there, the Fallen are gonna want that booster of yours."

"Roger that, we're on our way." Suzuka says.

"What would the Fallen want with a booster?" Spe-7 asks.

"Best case scenario they just dismantle it for parts, worse case scenario they use it to contact other Fallen houses and launch another attack on us." Ghost explains.

"Either way we'd be screwed." Taiki says. "Now let's get going. With the Fallen's only means of keeping ahead of us out of the way, we shouldn't be expecting as large of a force out there." And with that the trio heads out of the church and towards the entrance to the salt mines where a smaller group of Fallen than normal are encountered.

"Take this!" Spe-7 shouts as she opens fire with her assault rifle. The space pirates seem to take much more punishment than usual and it's not long before Spe-7 has to reload, allowing one of the wretches to try and try and shish kabob her.

"I don't think so!" Suzuka shouts as she charges forth with her blade with Taiki not too far behind. The Fallen end up getting turned into mince meat and they drop no less than nine engrams when they die. "Holy smokes! What in the world- how are there so many engrams?!"

"They're space pirates after all, they loot whatever they can and it seems like you've taken down a small raiding crew." Devrim says. "Might as well open those up and see if there's anything better than what you have right now." And with that the three pick their three engrams and open them all up to reveal better weapons than what they had before.

"Now this is more my style!" Taiki says as one of his engrams reveals a combat bow.

"Wait... A... Bow?" Spe-7 asks in disbelief. "How in the world do you-" She's cut off as one of her engrams opens up to reveal a grenade launcher "-use that effectively..."

"I guess you just work with it." Suzuka replies as one of her engrams reveals a hand cannon. The next engram that Taiki opens replaces his auto rifle with a better looking one while Spe-7 and Suzuka open their next ones to reveal a shotgun and a fusion rifle respectively.

"How do you use this thing..." Suzuka mumbles as she squeezes the trigger. A charging noise can be heard before the fusion rifle unleashes a burst of seven energy beams all at once, nearly killing Taiki with the blast.

"Whoa! Careful!" Taiki shouts as he just barely avoids the blast.

"Sorry!" Suzuka quickly says as the three open their last engrams. Much like the first time they opened engrams Suzuka and Taiki find better swords while Spe-7 replaces her rocket launcher with the one she just found, and with new equipment at the ready they charge forward into the mines. As they head inside they hear more from Hawthorne.

"Still sitting up here with this busted relay. Booster coming in any time soon?" Hawthorne asks.

"The guardians are on their way, be patient." Devrim replies. "I'm getting a little too old for this kind of stuff Suraya."

"Suraya?" Spe-7 asks but she's quickly cut off by a captain trying to take her on.

"Finally, you admit you're old." Hawthorne laughs. "Bail me out on one assault charge and you never let me live it down."

"Don't you mean one every week? You're the reason my hair is gray." Devrim mumbles.

"Keep talking old man." Hawthorne laughs some more as the trio head further into the mines, killing any fallen that might be around.

"There's an elevator up ahead!" Spe-7 calls out as she goes to call for it, but the elevator comes crashing down and explodes. "...Or we'll have to find another way up." And with that they go even further into the mines to find another elevator. Fortunately the next elevator isn't too far from where they stand but when Spe-7 goes to push the button nothing happens.

"Come on, come on! Work already!" Spe mumbles as she continues pushing the button. Eventually a very angry group of Fallen accompanied by a large servitor emerge and Suzuka and Taiki charge forth to intercept them. "What the?!"

"Sounds like you really kicked the hornet's nest now!" Devrim shouts.

"Don't worry, we got this covered!" Taiki calls out as the trio begin engaging the Fallen and the giant servitor. It's a bloody fight but it ends up with a pile of parts that was once the servitor and ashes that used to be captains and marauders. Finally the elevator comes down and they take it up to see Hawthorne.

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