Chapter 15: Titans on Titan

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"Finally you guys made it!" Hawthorne says as Taiki-9, Spe-7 and Suzuka reach her with the booster in hand. "I think Louis here owes me some money."

"Those Fallen didn't stand a chance against us." Spe-7 chuckles as Hawthorne begins working on the booster.

"Now if I did this correctly... We should be... Ah! An incoming beacon!" Hawthorne says as the comm relay crackles to life and Zavala's voice can be heard on the other end.

"Guardians... I never thought this would happen, but the Last City has been lost... If there is any light left somewhere, anywhere in the system, we rally on Titan. Be brave..." Zavala's voice crackles. Ghost immediately perks up upon hearing the commander and so do Twinkle and Fang.

"Zavala's still alive!" Ghost says. "Now we can-" he's immediately stopped by a whack to the eye from Hawthorne. "Ow! What did you do that for?!"

"You are NOT going to Titan." Hawthorne replies sternly. "We've got bigger fish to fry as we've got refugees coming in from one side, Red Legion on the other and the Fallen on yet another..."

"But we have our light back!" Ghost complains. "We have our powers back!"

"So what?" Hawthorne asks, looking about ready to snap.

"If we're going to retake the city-" Ghost is cut off again.

"YOUR CITY IS GONE!!! THERE IS NOTHING LEFT OF IT ASIDE FROM THOSE FAT SPACE RHINOS!!!" Hawthorne finally screams, having had enough. For a few seconds the silence is so deathly a pin could be heard. "We've got way too many problems to deal with, and losing our only permanent means of protection is going to impact us greatly. You three are needed here more than ever."

"We WILL be back Hawthorne." Ghost replies just as sternly as Hawthorne did before. "And we won't be alone." She sighs as she realizes just how insistent the three are.

"Fine, I guess I can't stop you then." Hawthorne mumbles. "But if you need anything, you'll know where to find me." And with that she leaves. It's then that the trio realizes that they don't actually have a ship they can use.

"Nuts... How in the world are we going to actually get to Titan?" Taiki asks Ghost.

"I'm pretty sure we can find a way." Ghost replies. "Just like in the Cosmodrome there are sometimes ships just laying around in the dead zone. Or we could play chance and hope that one of the engrams we open contains a ship." Spe-7 looks baffled.

"How can you fit an entire SHIP inside a dinky little engram? Spe-7 asks.

"The power of engrams I tell you." Taiki chuckles. "Even they confuse me every now and then." Suddenly a pair of VERY large looking captains emerge and they sport eyewear that would be fit for a pilot. "Well speak of the devil Ghost."

"Hopefully they're holding onto something we need." Suzuka says as she and Taiki bring out their swords and prepare to engage the captains. They clash blades multiple times but the captains find themselves fighting a losing battle when Spe-7 takes aim with her grenade launcher and opens fire. The resulting explosion blinds everyone in the blast radius- both the captains and the two guardians- and they all walk around completely disoriented.

"Gah... Spe-chan... Watch where you're firing that thing!" Suzuka mumbles.

"Sorry!" Spe-7 says sheepishly as Suzuka regains her senses and aims at the captains with her fusion rifle. One good burst is all it takes to decimate one captain, and the other one doesn't fare any better as another blast takes it's head off. Much to their surprise and relief the two captains are found to be holding onto five engrams that are marked differently than the others. "Oooh! I haven't seen these ones before!"

"These ones are marked such because they contain vehicles." Taiki replies. "I just wonder how the hell they got so many." And with that they look at which ones to open first. "If it contains a ship, you'll see a timer count down so you can throw it up there. If it's a sparrow you'll be fine." Lo and behold the first engram that Suzuka decides to open has a timer on it.

"Whoa!" She shouts as she throws the engram into the air and it opens to reveal a small and sleek looking ship that has white and blue decals on it.

"I recognize that one... It's called "City Apex". You don't see those around very often." Taiki says. "But I doubt it'll fit two people. See if there's a bigger one in there." Spe-7 immediately gets to work opening the next engram, with this one also having a timer. When she throws this one up and it opens it reveals a somewhat larger blue and orange ship with inverted wings and a much larger cockpit. "The "Helios Strain". This one actually looks a lot bigger, but if these are only sparrows you'll have to share with Suzuka."

"I don't mind!" Spe-7 chuckles, but Taiki's suspicions are confirmed when the last three engrams are revealed to be sparrows. "Wait... How do you claim them?"

"Let us do that." Ghost says as the three ghosts take their pick on a sparrow, derezzing it and storing the information inside them. "Whenever you need it, you can summon it at will- except for the times you can't. We'll let you know in that case."

"With all of that settled, let's head to Titan." Taiki says as the three get in their respective ships and take off. As they fly, Spe-7 and Suzuka get to admire the beauty outside that is the endless outer space.

"Heads up, we're going into warp speed!" Fang says as their ships enter warp speed. Only a few minutes pass before they exit warp speed and Titan is just within their vision.

"All right, we're heading into Titan! Let's find Zavala!" Taiki says as the two ships dive down towards Titan's atmosphere.

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