Chapter 13: OKay, We're Lost

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When the guardian trio finally makes it back to the Farm they're met by an old chap with an even older looking sniper rifle.

"Who's this person?" Spe-7 asks. "He looks like Trainer-san if he were much older."

"Past memories flying by?" Hawthorne chuckles. "Sorry but this guy's no trainer."

"Hello there." He says. "I'm Devrim Kay."

"Hello Devrim." Taiki-9 replies. "Haven't seen you before."

"I was around for a long while, no guardian for sure but a tough old man nonetheless." Devrim chuckles. "So, you three managed to regain your light? It could come in handy for what I need done."

"Okay, shoot." Taiki says. "What do we need to do?"

"We've been constantly ambushed by the Fallen over where I'm at, but we can't seem to find out how they know." Devrim replies. "They're always one step ahead of us no matter how far ahead we plan and we've lost a good number of people to them in those ambushes. Hawthorne if you could drop them off in Trostland that would be wonderful."

"I can definitely do that." Hawthorne says. "All right you three, you're about to be dropped off in the Outskirts, not too far off from Trostland. Make your way to the church and he can give you guidance from there."

"You heard the lady, hope the Fallen didn't hear that one." Devrim mumbles that last part before the three find themselves crammed together in Hawthorne's ship in preparation.

"You know, I really hope that one of the engrams I find is for a ship." Spe-7 mumbles. "I really want one of my own to fly."

"I know." Taiki chuckles. "You'll find one eventually." And with that the trio finds themselves floating just above the outskirts.

"And that's your stop! Good luck out there!" Hawthorne says as the trio leap off and land- with Spe-7 landing ninja style.

"That was so unnecessary." Taiki snickers. "But we're in the outskirts."

"All right, just make your way through that driveway, kill any Fallen that might be following you, you get the idea." Devrim says.

"Okay! Now let's-" Spe-7 is interrupted by Fallen growls. "-get over there?"

"Great. Devrim, I think they were a step ahead HERE." Taiki mumbles as the trio find themselves surrounded by Fallen.

"Well you know the drill, wipe them out as you see necessary." Devrim says.

"Suzuka, bring out your sword." Taiki says as he brings out his blade.

"You got it." Suzuka replies as the two get back to back. Meanwhile Spe-7 retreats inside one of the abandoned buildings, swiftly evading Fallen detection as she watches the two charge forth and begin slicing through the Fallen like they were nothing. That's when she notices that one of the spear wielding Fallen is closing behind on Taiki and she quickly puts a bullet in it's head with her auto rifle, saving him the trouble.

"Take THAT you wretch!" Spe-7 shouts as she hears another dreg attempt to sneak up from behind and throws a powerful back kick to dispatch it. It's not long before the large group that once had the trio surrounded was turned into a pile of assorted body parts and Spe-7 emerges from hiding to continue heading to the church. When they do make it there they quickly head inside and find a strange banner- the girls don't recognize it but Taiki and Ghost immediately do.

"That banner... It used to belong to the Fallen house of judgement..." Taiki mumbles. "Is that what remains of the Fallen here?"

"They really are desperate..." Suzuka mumbles. "Devrim, what now?"

"The Fallen here have been doing a lot of hoarding, if you could reclaim one of their chests out there it would definitely help us out a lot. I've been running a little low on ammo because of these bloody pests." Devrim replies as the trio head out of the church and spot the chest not too far away from them.

"Careful now... It could be booby trapped for all we know, the Fallen can be like that sometimes..." Taiki doesn't get to finish speaking as Spe-7 immediately opens the chest and finds glimmer and ammo in it. Opening the chest also attracted a small group of Fallen but before Taiki can say anything else Spe-7 throws a grenade on the ground that transforms into a series of mini bombs and leaps high out of explosive range to let the bombs deal with them. "Damn."

"That was easy!" Spe-7 says, but then she attempts to lift the box with little to no avail. "This on the other hand... Could you give me a hand Suzuka-chan?"

"Just a moment!" Suzuka replies as she quickly moves over and helps Spe-7 carry the entire box into Devrim's little hideout with Taiki providing escort.

"There, that should take care of the whole thing." Taiki says. "Now to... What's that there?" He asks as he notices a trapdoor leading into a basement part of the church.

"You know... I never cared to look down there myself." Devrim replies. "You wouldn't mind scouting it out for me?"

"Spe, stay back here and make sure the Fallen don't try and take back that cache." Suzuka says. "Devrim's an old man and isn't exactly able to hold off an entire raiding team."

"Yes that's ri-HEY! I'm not THAT old!" Devrim shouts, making Suzuka and Taiki laugh as they hop down through the trapdoor and into an atrium of some sorts. The Fallen can be seen roaming around here, many of them with devices and computers that they built out of scraps.

"Devrim, whatever the Fallen are doing down here, I think that's how they've always been a step ahead of us!" Taiki says. "We'll flush them out!" And with that the Fallen leave their secluded area to try and kill Taiki and Suzuka- only for the latter to charge up her void energy and release a kick that creates an implosive field upon hitting one of the vandals, drawing all of the enemies close in before sending them flying, leaving Taiki enough time to rush through the crowd. The Fallen that Suzuka just sent flying are too stunned to do anything, leaving them open to her blade while Taiki unleashes his arc energy on the captain commanding the entire operation, slamming into it full force and frying it to ashes. When they're sure that the last of the Fallen in the atrium are gone the computers and devices are brought up to Devrim for further analysis.

"Consider that mission complete." Suzuka says.

"A job well done you two." Devrim replies. "I'll see what's in these. If I ever need you three again I'll give you a call."

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