Chapter 32: Calm Before The Storm

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With the Cabal too focused on the Fallen to even try and attack Taiki and the others, the trio quickly found Thumos' personal ship and took off into the dawn without any notice from either side.

"It's scary... This is all of their air force?" Spe-7 asks as she sees the numerous warships that the Red Legion have in the skies.

"I bet you that's everything they brought with them." Taiki replies. "Sure they could have even more but do you really think that they would pull a move as dumb as bringing the entire army? You gotta have some reserves back there just in case."

"That is true." Suzuka says. "But where is the Almighty?"

"Probably nearest the sun." Taiki replies. "That also means the place is going to be hot as hell over there so we have to be real careful where we step. Let's see if this baby's got warp speed on it." Much to the exo's surprise it does have warp speed and they reach the almighty in a matter of seconds. When they're in range of the Almighty they transmat onto it's surface, but then Taiki hears something horrifying. "No... The weapon... It's already active?!"

"You can still disrupt the link between the Almighty and the sun before it disrupts the magnetic field." Ikora replies.

"You might want to move fast though... I think the Red Legion found Thumos' body and realized that you borrowed his ship." Cayde mentions.

"Like how you borrowed Eris'?" Taiki laughs.

"Come on, Eris loves me!" Cayde says before Taiki cuts the comms for the moment.

"Okay, did you find any plans for the Almighty?" Taiki asks Suzuka.

"We did yes." Fang replies as he uploads the information to Ghost.

"Got the plans. We need to get to the central core, but let's get to the mineral processing area first." Ghost says.

"We're moving into position outside the city walls. Your signal will start the assault." Zavala says. "Good luck out there."

"We're going radio silent to let the Cabal forget about us and focus on you." Ikora replies. "You no longer need our guidance new light. Your path lays before you now."

"Thank you, Ikora." Suzuka says as the comms go silent and the trio begins making their way around the Almighty to reach the mineral processing.

"There's a tunnel that should take us straight to the core." Ghost says as the trio reaches the room, but down the tunnel there's a huge blockade of debris. "But we need to clear all that out first." Going around the tunnel they see a large solar cell and a hologram showing Mercury.

"Wait... Are they grinding up the planet for fuel?" Spe-7 mumbles.

"That's what it would seem like." Taiki replies. "I think it's best we find something to put that cell in... Found it, take that thing out and put it in there. That should start up the processor and clear out the blockade." And with that Spe-7 yanks the cell out before jamming it into said processor, starting it up and clearing out the debris- and also attracting a small platoon of legionaries. All it takes is a good burst from Spe-7's minigun to put down the platoon, and they quickly go through the tunnel to reach an area of the Almighty that's been directly exposed to the sun. To cope with the intense heat there are sunshields that have been raised by the Red Legion, and the trio quickly ducks behind one to avoid getting melted into a crisp. Red Legion troops emerge, also trying to avoid the heat, but they have more to worry about as Taiki and Suzuka begin blowing off their heads and exploding their jetpacks- one unfortunate centurion gets jettisoned a la Boba Fett and he slams into the Almighty before falling off the giant weapon and onto Mercury where he may soon be turned into fuel.

"Ouch..." Spe-7 mumbles as they reach the other side and find themselves looking for accelerator tubes. "That's how we're going to get to the core?"

"Only way to find out then." Taiki says as they reach said tubes and head through. When they do find themselves just outside of the main weapon and there are multiple interceptors that are laying around.

"What do you say we make better use of these?" Spe-7 snickers as they all board an interceptor and make their way towards the weapon just as it fires.

"The thermal exchangers! Destroy those and it should overheat!" Ghost calls out as the trio fires the cannons and destroys them. Unfortunately the weapon is still firing, and Ghost immediately goes for a plan B. "Okay since that didn't work we need to take out the core itself. Keep pushing!"

"Right!" Suzuka says as the trio pushes their way towards the main core room, blowing up any cabal that dare get in their way. A fusion cell can be seen just off to the distance and the main core has been exposed for anyone to disrupt.

"That fusion cell is highly reactive, so we can't just shove it in there." Ghost says. "You have to throw it at the core. I hope you have good aim."

"I got it!" Spe-7 says as she yanks out the fusion cell and takes aim at the core. With a mighty heave she throws the cell and it explodes directly on the core, creating explosions everywhere.

"It's a hit!" Taiki shouts. "Let's get out of here! Ghost, get the ship!"

"Got it!" Ghost calls out as Thumos' ship emerges and the trio hops on as the Almighty's weapon explodes and is completely disabled, leaving the sun perfectly intact.

"Spe-7 to the vanguard, come in." Spe-7 says through Twinkle.

"This is Zavala, how are things going?" Zavala asks.

"The Almighty's weapon is no more. Start the attack!" Spe-7 commands.

"Roger that. You heard her! Let's move!" Zavala says as Taiki looks proudly and the ship warps to the city to finish the fight.

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