Chapter 3: Exterminator

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"Taiki-9 to Zavala?" Taiki-9 says through Ghost.

"This is Commander Zavala, what's your current status?" Zavala asks.

"Currently with our two new guardians." Taiki replies. "They show much potential."

"They seem to be doing just as well as you have." Zavala says. "I'm more than ready to meet them in person, as is the rest of the vanguard."

"Of course, we just have to find the two a ship that they can take because the one that I have is too small for all three of us to fit in." Taiki replies.

"Understandable. You are in the Cosmodrome after all, there should be some working ships around there." Zavala says before the comms are cut.

"Well, looks like we're going to find you two a ship to fly in." Ghost says to Spe-7 and Suzuka. "But let's get moving!"

"You got it!" Spe-7 calls out as she and Suzuka take off, leaving Taiki and Ghost to catch up. Eventually the trio find a way outside of the building, but the two equine guardians stop dead in their tracks, concerning Taiki.

"Girls? Are you okay? What is it?" Taiki asks as he catches up to Suzuka and Spe-7 and sees just what they were staring at- a Fallen skiff with a gigantic walker tank hanging from the bottom of it. "That's... Not good at all..." The walker detaches and lands with a terrifying crash and with a strange groaning noise it comes online.

"What do we do?!" Spe-7 shouts in worry. "Can we even damage that thing?!"

"Target the legs!" Taiki barks out. "If you damage the legs enough, it'll expose it's engine core! Then target that!"

"Just follow my lead Spe-chan!" Suzuka says to Spe-7 as she throws an arc dart at the walker's leg, doing significant damage and disorienting the gigantic spider mech.

"Well what do you know? You share the same grenades that I have." Taiki chuckles as another skiff drops in and vandals emerge. Taiki quickly tosses a flashbang grenade and as soon as it lands next to the dregs it goes off, killing those next to the blast and disorienting those that survive. Spe-7 then manages to destroy one of the walker's legs, stunning the mech and forcing it down. The mech is unable to get back up and it's engine core is exposed for anyone to target.

"Now! Target the core!" Suzuka calls out as she and Spe-7 focus fire while Taiki lets loose with his sidearm. With the combined firepower the engine core is quickly destroyed and the mech begins exploding. Finally it combusts in a big ball of fire, releasing various dodecahedral objects.

"What are these?" Spe-7 asks.

"Oh these? These are engrams." Taiki-9 replies. "These things allow you to store just about anything- weapons, armor, ghost shells, even entire ships. They're compressed into these little things and they can be opened at any time. Some of them are encrypted though and only certain people can open those ones. I should see what's inside myself, I only brought this dinky little gun with me to defend myself."

"Wait... How do you open these?" Spe-7 asks again, picking up one of the engrams and looking for something to push or pull at. Eventually one of her fingers lands on a button and the engram transforms into a weapon- a shotgun. "Oooh!" The one that Suzuka opens transforms into a sniper rifle and the one Taiki opens transforms into a scout rifle.

"I could get used to this thing." Taiki chuckles. "Let's see what's in those other engrams, this walker seemed to be carrying a lot of them." The ones that Taiki and Suzuka open transform into swords, but the one Spe-7 opens transforms into a rocket launcher, and the brunette's eyes glimmer from inside her helmet. "Oh dear... She got the big guns huh?"

"Oh I wouldn't worry. I've known Special Week long before we were resurrected." Suzuka says. "But seeing her with such a dangerous weapon... I worry a little myself..."

"Oh YES! Where are some Fallen! I really want to use this thing!" Spe-7 shouts out as she searches the area for more possible enemies to blow up, but she finds nobody much to her chagrin. "Oh well!"

"Now to see about getting you two a ship..." Taiki mumbles as he leads the girls thorough yet another building. This time they do manage to come across a ship, sitting in the middle of the entire place- and with the roof of the building gone it could simply take off right then and there. "One of you two should use your ghost to check this thing out and get it working. You two have the means to fend off anyone that attempts to attack you, so I'll be in my ship waiting for you two."

"Wait what-" And before Spe-7 can say anything else Taiki-9 is teleported back to his ship, leaving her and Suzuka to get the ship working. Suzuka immediately gets to work as she sends out Fang to take a look at the ship and the ghost finds a problem.

"There's no warp drive on here, maybe the Fallen here have one on them, they are scavengers after all." Fang says- just as a fallen captain and his vandals emerge.

"Well speak of the devil!" Twinkle shouts. "They might have-" Twinkle is immediately cut off by Spe-7 firing her rocket launcher and obliterating the crew. "-just what we need... You didn't blow up the warp drive did you?" Fortunately for the girls an engram can be found on the ground just next to where the captain once stood, and upon opening it the warp drive can be found inside.

"Let's get this ship up and going!" Fang says.

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