Chapter 29: A Bunch of $&%#ing Ugly Reds

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Cayde places a rock on the map, probably to signify something related to the Red Legion, and Taiki looks in disbelief.

"What?" Cayde asks.

"Get that rock off the map." Taiki replies. Once Cayde realizes just what he means the two burst out into laughter.

"Do I look like Eris?" Cayde laughs. "Anyways, back to serious mode here, this rock represents the Red Legion base that's been situated in the dead zone. I have a feeling that once they're done here they'll take everything with them, and if we want to get a cabal ship, a good one might I add to get onto the big ol' Almighty, we'll have to simply stop them from leaving."

"You will be dropped off a good distance away from the base, so you'll have to fight your way through." Zavala replies. "But I trust that you three will be able to ground at least this branch of the Red Legion. Amanda will drop you off, good luck." And with that Spe-7, Suzuka and Taiki are dropped off.

"I'll be back later on, with a little something special!" Amanda says as the trio begins making their way towards the Red Legion base.

"So are we just grounding it?" Suzuka asks as she spots a group of patrolling legionaries.

"That's all we were told really." Taiki replies as he takes his bow and puts arrows through their heads. "I have a feeling we need to be real sneaky if we aren't going to raise any alarms in the Red Legion."

"You'll have to be quick though, there's a Red Legion carrier out there and if that gets away, our chance at crippling Ghaul will also go with it."

"So either we're sneaking in or we're grounding it." Taiki summarizes as they reach a long tunnel. That's when Amanda's ship flies in, carrying something underneath it.

"I'm back and I have a little gift for you!" Amanda calls out as a large tank is dropped to the ground.

"You got us a TANK?!" Ghost, Twinkle and Fang all ask in shock.

"Well, looks like the sneaky option has been instantly thrown out the door." Taiki chuckles.

"Wait you got them a TANK?!" Cayde asks in disbelief. "Why didn't I get one?!"

"You would probably just break it. Just take a look at what happened to Eris' ship- oh wait, it was destroyed." Taiki replies snarkily.

"If you need another one just holler!" Amanda says as she flies off.

"So I get nothing?" Cayde mumbles.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." Taiki laughs. "And here you said that you weren't jealous when I saved you on Nessus. Spe-chan, you wanna get in?"

"Like heck yes!" Spe-7 shouts as she hops into the tank and drives ahead of Suzuka and Taiki. The cabal that are around are understandably surprised that a tank is about to turn them into road pizza, and they get squashed before they have a chance to run.

"Geez... She's ruthless." Taiki chuckles as she then proceeds to fire the tank's cannon, obliterating another group of cabal unfortunate enough to be in the blast radius. The trio eventually reach a door at the end of the tunnel, but it's blast resistant- not even a blast from the cannon would make it budge.

"There's got to be some sort of manual override..." Taiki mumbles before he whips his head behind him.

"What the?!" Suzuka shouts as she spots a strange hovering vehicle heading towards the trio- it sports the Red Legion colors and has two solar cannons on either side.

"Look out! That's an-" Taiki gets cut off as Spe-7 fires the rockets on the tank and obliterates the vehicle. "-interceptor..."

"What?" Spe-7 asks as she pops her head out of the cockpit.

"I was gonna say that there was a cabal interceptor but you destroyed it." Taiki replies. "And I think that's the code to the door I see in the rubble." He says as he uncovers the card from underneath the rubble that was once a psion pilot and its vehicle. He pops the blast door open and then suddenly hears the sound of engines slowly whirring to life.

"It sounds like the carrier is about to move out! You have to ground it!" Zavala says.

"You got it!" Taiki replies as he and Suzuka rush forward with Spe-7 and her tank bringing up the rear. More cabal interceptors move in to try and stop them, but Suzuka simply takes aim with her cabal gun and blasts the pilots out of their seats, giving her and Taiki free vehicles to ride in. "This could take some getting used to." He mumbles as he fires the solar cannons at more approaching cabal.

"Eyes up in the sky! We got cabal gunships inbound!" Suzuka shouts as one comes down.

"Thresher! It's going to destroy the tank!" Taiki shouts as the thresher begins to aim it's guns. Spe-7 immediately fires her cannon at the thresher, blasting off one of it's engines keeping it afloat and causing it to go flying. They're about to go after the carrier and stop it from going when suddenly another tank emerges- this one hovers much like the interceptor but it sports a gigantic cannon even bigger than the one that Spe-7 is piloting, and it sports a series of rockets.

"Of course the Red Legion has tanks as well." Ghost mumbles as it aims it's cannon at Spe-7.

"Look out!" Taiki shouts again.

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