Prologue: New Light

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"This is Taiki-9 reporting in, beginning my sweep across the cosmodrome. Anything notable to explore?" A voice calls out. Just above the ruined remains of Old Russia a ship slowly hovers just below the stratosphere, with it's pilot just about ready to drop in. The ship in question, "In With The New", looks like it's seen better days as blast marks litter the entire hull of the ship and what appear to be thorns have been shot into it. "Normally this is the area where ghosts tend to find their guardians, but I can't make out any ghosts floating around from up here."

"Taiki-9, this is Zavala. You are correct, there don't appear to be any ghosts directly below you but there are reports of ghosts searching the area. You, having been with us for the longest time, should be the one that aids whoever is worthy of the Traveler's light." Zavala's voice crackles through the ship radio. "You've got the green light to begin your patrol." And with that Taiki-9 leaps out of his ship and lands, his armor cushioning what would have been a bone shattering crashdown. Materializing just above his right shoulder is a ghost, with a shell custom made by the guardian himself that sports chinese characters written on the shell and a yin-yang style paintjob. The ghost immediately gets to work healing whatever damage Taiki-9 took during the landing before the two examine the area around them.

"I can only expect lots of Fallen not too far from here, but where in the world did those ghosts go?" Taiki-9 mumbles, scratching the back of his helmet. "Ghost, can you do a scan of the area?"

"Roger that, scanning the area." Ghost replies as he looks around, only wandering so far as a few feet away from his guardian as he performs his scans. "I have detected traces of Ghost energy. I believe there are only two of them around at the moment, I think they went... That-a-way."

"Thanks, makes my search a lot easier." Taiki-9 chuckles. "Even as an exo, my memory ain't the best nowadays." He says as he carefully takes off his helmet once he's sure there is nobody out to attack him, exposing his red machine eyes, his mostly black and red head complete with two antennae on the sides and his mouth glows yellow whenever he speaks. "Now to see where those two ghosts have gone..." And with that the exo slowly follows the direction his ghost pointed him to. Just off into the distance is an area that was once a sort of track patch, and lo and behold the two ghosts that Taiki-9 was looking for are there. They slowly look around before they spin their shells in realization that they found their guardians and they instantly split their shells to begin channeling light. Taiki-9 looks away so he's not blinded by their work and when he finally looks over, two new guardians have suddenly shot up into a sitting position wondering what the hell happened and the exo can only look on in shock.

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