Chapter 16: A God I Am

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"I kinda feel bad for leaving Hawthorne behind like that." Spe-7 mumbles as the two ships begin to close in on Titan's atmosphere.

"But Zavala is planning a counterattack on the Red Legion. He's going to need everything and everyone he can to make sure it succeeds." Suzuka says. "Where can we land?"

"Still looking for a place." Taiki-9 mumbles. That's when he hears Zavala broadcasting another message, this time it sounds even more grim than the last one.

"I see your ships out there guardians... This is Zavala but it's too late, the Hive have overrun Titan... It was a mistake to bring us here." The broadcast says, but much to the commander's chagrin the two ships land anyway and three guardians pop out in preparation.

"Commander Zavala, we're here to help." Ghost says.

"No! We've lost too many lightless guardians." Zavala begins to say but Ghost interrupts him.

"We have our light back." Ghost says suddenly.

"We can't secure this-" What sounds like Zavala spitting out his drink can be heard. "What? Impossible!"

"Commander, if I may." A new voice says over the comms. "Guardian, this is Deputy Commander Sloane. We have a counter-offensive to plan. To do that, we need to get this station up and running. There's a fleet to prep, Guardians to arm, and a trove of intercepted Red Legion transmissions to decrypt. It's critical we gain access to the station's Control Center. That's where you come in. If the Light really is with you, send the Hive back to hell."

"You got it." Suzuka says. "We're on our way."

"Guardians... Please be careful." Zavala replies as the trio begin making their way around the precarious platforms that make up the ocean base of Titan.

"What was this place?" Spe-7 asks as they try to avoid falling into the sea and being consumed by whatever is down there.

"The Golden Age cities of Titan were once the pride of humanity." Zavala exlains. "We thought they were abandoned. But I was a fool to think the Hive would not spread this far."

"Wait... The Hive? Who are those guys?" Spe-7 asks again.

"Um... All I can say is they look scary." Taiki mumbles as they finally manage to reach the inside of a building.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Twinkle mumbles as the trio realizes that the building is almost pitch black, save for a small light switch. "I'm going to go turn that on, have your weapons ready." When the lights do flicker on the threat is revealed as Spe-7 sees a large group of seemingly eyeless husks. They have three long claws, their jaws extend way too far for a normal humanoid and they let out inhuman cries as soon as they spot the trio of guardians. Spe-7 is completely frozen in fear, forcing Suzuka and Taiki to let loose with their guns. A flurry of hand cannon bullets from Suzuka put down the first group of Hive enemies, burning into nothingness when they die, and the next wave is mowed down by a storm of auto rifle bullets from Taiki.

"Wha-wha-what were those things...?" Spe-7 asks as soon as she regains her voice and her composure.

"That... Was the Hive, thralls to be specific." Taiki replies. "You all right? You looked like you were completely frozen."

"I... I think I'm okay." Spe-7 says as the group marches on. Another swarm of thralls accompanied by more humanoid looking Hive with strange guns can be seen and the gunners quickly take cover, peeking their guns out before shooting, and Spe-7 immediately goes for her grenade launcher. "Get away!" She shouts as she wildly fires the entire magazine, exploding the thralls and the gunners.

"Acolytes." Taiki mumbles. "Looks like the Hive here are more numerous than we thought. Next thing you know we're going to be seeing knights and wizards- and no Spe, not of the regal times." The brunette immediately deflates, but they keep on going until they manage to reach a control center. "Looks like we've come across a control center."

"Good work, keep pushing." Sloane says. "We keep at this rate, and we'll be outside the city gates pronto."

"Were it so easy..." Zavala mumbles, and with that the group peeks inside the center, hoping that it would be void of Hive. Much to their chagrin the control center seems to have been transformed into a twisted breeding ground, with wizards, acolytes and a particularly large knight.

"Zavala, we've got a major problem." Taiki says. "The control center has been transformed into a breeding ground and the wizards here appear to be starting some sort of twisted ritual. If only Eris were with us to find out what was going on here."

"Then do what you can to flush them out." Zavala replies.

"Roger that." Taiki says. "Then let's go crazy."

"You got it!" Spe-7 replies as she unleashes her solar energy and starts throwing wild kicks, sending flaming horseshoes all over the place. The wizards end up taking the brunt as their shields explode, taking out some of the acolytes nearby, and now they're left open to Suzuka's wild hurricane kick. With the wizards and acolytes out of the picture the only members of the Hive left are the three knights, and Taiki moves in for the kill, unleashing his arc energy and slamming them into oblivion.

"Targets destroyed." Ghost says. "It'll take us a bit to clear out this hive gunk but the center should be ready for you Zavala."

"Good work. We're coming in." Zavala replies.

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