Chapter 2: Idoling Around

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"With you two being very unique guardians, the light has probably adjusted itself to suit your style of fighting, if you have one." Taiki-9 says. "From the both of you I can sense arc energy coming off of you."

"Arc energy? Isn't that electricity?" Suzuka asks.

"Close, but not quite." Taiki-9 replies. "We guardians tend to wield three different types of energy: arc, solar and void. Arc energy is basically as you put it, electricity, solar is fire and void is a type of energy that even I'm not very familiar with, but enough idling around, let's get you two up and going."

"Then what are you as a guardian?" Suzuka asks again as the two follow close behind the exo.

"I'm a titan. Basically that means I use brute force and I defend people. Think of me like a tank." Taiki-9 replies. That's when he notices that both Spe-7 and Suzuka are beginning to out run him. "Hey! Slow down you two! I can't run as fast as you can!"

"Sorry!" Spe-7 calls out as she and Suzuka slow down their running pace. "It's just something we're used to!" Unfortunately Spe-7's shouting has attracted something strange, and insectoid cries can be heard.

"That's not good." Suzuka mumbles as she and Spe-7 come to a screeching halt.

"Looks like we've attracted some Fallen..." Taiki-9 grumbles. "They're basically space pirates who pillage everything and everyone they can. Keep a sharp eye." Suzuka immediately whips her head behind her to see a dreg charging at her and she throws a powerful spinning kick, decapitating the dreg with one strike. "Of course... You two are horse girls, of course you have extremely powerful kicks for your kind." He chuckles as he looks at the dreg that Suzuka just killed. "That's strange... I haven't seen this house sigil before."

"House... Sigil?" Spe-7 asks.

"The fallen follow a sort of "house" hierarchy where they're loyal to a certain leader. They're usually defined by a unique sigil but this one I don't recognize. Let's keep moving, there's probably weapons for you two somewhere in here." Taiki-9 replies as the three head inside a building.

"What about you? Don't you have weapons?" Spe-7 calls out as the three explore.

"Only got this midget gun here." Taiki-9 replies as he whips out a small sidearm. Fortunately for the trio a pair of weapons can be seen laying on the ground- they're a pair of black auto rifles that have been worn from having seen years of battle but they still work. "Man... I remember when I used to own one of these things." The exo chuckles. "Quickly, take up those weapons for now."

"The Khvostov 7G-02. A basic auto rifle but it gets the job done." Ghost racks off as Spe-7 and Suzuka look down the sights of their weapons. "At least yours aren't chipped like Taiki's was." More alien cries can be heard.

"Incoming!" Taiki-9 shouts out as a large group of vandals emerges. Spe-7 and Suzuka immediately open fire, mowing down the vandals as they attempt to scuttle towards the trio, and the exo can only look in awe.

"You two are much better than I expected." Taiki-9 chuckles. "Now let's try to find the exit to this place." The equine guardians rush ahead of him and run into a captain along with a bunch of shanks. "Try using your light!"

"My... Light?" Spe-7 asks, but Suzuka instinctively charges forth at the shanks and performs a mighty arc-charged tornado kick, frying all of the shanks surrounding her much to the captain's shock.

"Do what comes natural to you." Taiki-9 says, and Spe-7 immediately swings her arm, throwing a strange, cone shaped grenade at the captain. It flies straight and true and it sticks to the captain- and the captain frantically tries to shake the grenade off before it explodes, taking it out. "Nice!"

"Hey Taiki, what is this?" Suzuka asks as she stands before a well of light.

"Oh that? It basically empowers you." Taiki-9 replies. "You girls have yet to truly go crazy with your light." He chuckles as he empowers himself inside the well and feels his energy peek to the max. "I use arc energy all the time but I'm not against the other elements." And with that the three run through a hallway, finding themselves face to face with a big servitor, a pair of captains, and a ton of vandals and dregs.

"There's so many of them!" Spe-7 says. "How are we going to deal with all of them?!"

"Watch THIS!" Taiki-9 shouts as he leaps into the air and charges his fists with arc energy, performing a seismic slam and creating a shockwave that electrifies any Fallen that were unlucky enough to be in the way. Arc energy still coursing through him he proceeds to go wild, charging at various vandals and taking them out with no less than a single electrified shoulder ram. Once Taiki-9 has exhausted his arc energy he realizes that there are still lots of dregs left, and they surround him, with the captains and the servitor following close behind. "Aheh... Well... So much for a show, eh? Eh? Anyone?" Taiki-9 says sheepishly as the Fallen look very unamused. "...I'm screwed aren't I?"

"You stay away from him you nasty little bugs!" Spe-7 shouts as she leaps into the air and charges herself with arc energy, coming crashing down with a mighty dive kick. It creates a similar shockwave to Taiki's seismic slam and Suzuka quickly joins in. Another shockwave is created, taking out many of the dregs surrounding the exo, and the horse girls go about dealing with the remaining Fallen in their own style- with Spe-7 obliterating those around her with powerful flying kicks and Suzuka dealing with the captains and the servitor with more graceful and equally deadly spinning kicks. When both girls have exhausted their arc energy all of the Fallen that once had Taiki-9 surrounded were either zapped into ashes or laying on the ground never to move again.

"Nice job you two." Taiki-9 chuckles. "You two are much tougher than I thought."

Destiny 2: Putting "Horse" Into "Horsepower"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz